Azerbaijan HTB - Newton

Explore Azerbaijan with your Newton

Iverson Software Co., is pleased to announce the Azerbaijan
HyperTextBook, available immediately for Newton.

The latest addition to our large collection of educational reference
materials covers many topics related to Azerbaijan including: Aras;
Azerbaijan; Baku; Caspian Sea; Caucasia; Caucasus Mountains;
Commonwealth of Independent States; Council for Mutual Economic
Assistance; Elchibey; European USSR; Iron Curtain; Kasparov; KGB; Kura;
New Economic Policy; Rostropovich; Russo-Finnish War; and Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics.

Azerbaijan, a republic in the Transcaucasus region of western Asia, is
bordered on the north by Russia, on the northwest by Georgia, on the
east by the Caspian Sea, on the south by Iran, and on the west by
Armenia. Formerly a republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(USSR), the republic includes the regions known under the Soviets as the
Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast and the Nax?ivan (Nakhichevan)
Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (ASSR), which is separated from the
rest of Azerbaijan by a mountainous strip in Armenia. Baku, a large port
city on the Caspian Sea, is the capital and largest city.

The product is priced at US$19.00 for a single user license, $49.00 for
a classroom/lab license, and $99.00 for a site license. The product is
distributed as Shareware, which means that users can try it out before
deciding to pay for it. All interested parties can download a copy from
our website at, or
contact us directly at Iverson Software Co., 522 Record St., Mankato MN
56001-2546, 507-625-7355.

Jeffrey D. Iverson 507.386.6208 weekdays Iverson Software Co.
507.625.7355 evening/weekend 522 Record St. Mankato MN 56001-2546

Path: /www/exparrot/

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