CommFgiure 1.2b2

CommFigure is a small utility that should speed up the time it takes to
configure Internet applications, by configuring multiple applications at
once. CommFigure is designed to be modular, that is new modules to
configure new Internet applications can be added by dropping them anywhere
on your hard drive, and new field settings (those found within the program
- ie. Real Name, Organisation) can also be added by using ResEdit or a
similar editing tool. In this way it should be simple for Internet
Providers or institutions to customise CommFigure for their personal needs.
CommFigure actively configures applications by editing their preference
files - this approach should enable virtually all Internet applications to
be configured by just one program - CommFigure.

Path: /www/exparrot/

File comm-figure-12b2.hqx69.89 KB