Cindy's Newsmailer v1.1g

Cindy's Newsmailer v1.1g is an offline newsgroup and emailer with many
advanced features, including the following:

1. Sends and receives email and newsgroup messages at times you
specify, and allows you to read and compose offline.
2. Supports background downloading, so you can read and compose
messages while the software is transferring messages.
3. Resizable, colored, scrolling windows, and different color "quoted"
text. The colors are user-settable.
4. Automatic routing of incoming messages to different folders based
on content. This allows you to, say, send all mailing list
messages to one folder, and all "get rich quick" messages to
5. Automatically play a custom sound when new mail hits a folder.
6. Indefinite message retention. You can keep all messages forever, or
expire messages as desired.
7. Address book to store frequently used addresses.
8. Tagline capability to store your favorite signature lines.
9. Form letters feature allows you to write standardized messages that
have wildcards for certain information, such as logonid, name,
date, time, your name, etc. When you choose a form to send to a
user, it automatically fills in these wildcards with the
appropriate information. Use this feature to send standardized
information with a "custom-built" look.
10. Carbon copies, blind carbon copies, and "message received"
11. Can use either MacTCP for an Internet connection, or the Apple
Modem Tool with the comm toolbox to use a "shell" account. In
addition, multiple people can share the same Internet logonid over
an AppleTalk network, if desired.
12. "Automatic Replies" feature that allows you to automatically
respond to incoming e-mail with certain phrases in the subject
line. With this feature, you can set up Cindy's Newsmailer to
be an "information server", even if you have a dial-up account.
13. New "voice mail" capability via the use of helper apps such as
"SndConverter Pro" or "RealAudio".
14. "Plug-in" technology allows you to specify custom programs to run
on incoming messages. Included with the product is a "voice mail"
plug-in that automatically plays voice mail attached to incoming

Try it, you'll like it! Requires HyperCard Player 2.1 or higher.
Cindy M. Carney,

Path: /www/exparrot/

File cindys-newsmailer-11g-hc.hqx407.21 KB