MegaWindow XFCN v3.1

Note: If you're a registered owner of 3.0, you can upgrade instantly and for
free. Instructions are in the SimpleText file.

This is the latest upgrade to the popular MegaWindow external for HyperCard.
It requires System 7 and HC 2.1 or higher. (Some features of the two stacks
require v2.2, but if you don't have it, it'll still run.) The MegaWindow XFCN
lets you create and manage powerful external windows with only HyperTalk
scripts. It's kind of like WindowScript, yes, but some say it's better, and
it's definitely a lot cheaper.

New featuresth includeth, but art not limiteth to:
* A revamped Workshop stack, with an index, zoom controls, a color picker,
and more.
* Each object can have a script to execute when it's clicked.
* Multi-column Lists, and scroll bars to match.
* Buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, popups, and text fields all disable.
* You can use the Mac OS control styles if you want, instead of the MW ones.
* You can get and set the styles in a TextEdit field from a script. You can
also emboss their frames, scroll them by script, change their justification
and alter the word wrap.
* Various aethetic enhancements.

And there's even more in the stacks. If you've never tried MegaWindow, here's
your chance. It's only ... sit down ... $20 for new users. I can't keep those
prices down much longer, people!

Once you've purchased it, you can distribute as much freeware as you want.
Shareware and commercial software must still be licensed through me at

Path: /www/exparrot/

File mega-window-31-xfcn.hqx228.89 KB
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