TinyBooks v2.1.0 - Mac Small Business Accounting

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TinyBooks v2.1.0 - Family & Small Business Accounting for Macintosh

What's New: Fixed a bug where it was possible that the first title line
of a printed or exported Account listing could show the month of the
underlying Expense/Income window, rather than the month chosen on the
Account dialog. (The data itself was correct, but the title line of the
listing might have been wrong.)

Merrimack, New Hampshire, March 13, 2005: Ken Winograd and Space-Time
Associates announced today an update to the Macintosh accounting and
bookkeeping program called TinyBooks(tm). TinyBooks is designed for
Sole Proprietors, home and other small businesses, and family finances.
TinyBooks is a simple, flexible, non-bloated, single-entry bookkeeping
and accounting system for the Macintosh.

TinyBooks is the simplest way to handle the books for most small
companies. Current and year-to-date "on-the-fly" totals are continually
displayed. A fully non-modal Reports Window allows easy standard and
custom reporting. All transactions are easily exportable to other
programs in standard tab-delimited text files. Expense, income and
special mileage entry forms can be printed for "off line" entry of data.
Non-fiscal years are easily supported, as is the concept of recurring
expenses (and income items.)

TinyBooks, based on years of experience "doing the books", is written
exclusively for the Macintosh (OS9 and OSX) and is available now.

For more information, to download a Free Trial, or securely register the
program, please visit the TinyBooks web page at:

General Info: http://www.winograd.com Quick Download:
http://www.winograd.com/TinyBooks.sit TinyBooks Info:

For help, contact: Ken Winograd (Ken911 [at] Winograd.com)

Path: files.tidbits.com/info-mac/app/bus/tiny-books-21.hqx
