Powermac G4 and Powerbook G3 FS and/or trade plus cash for mini

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Joined: Jan 19 2005 - 23:30
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Powermac G4 and Powerbook G3 FS and/or trade plus cash for mini

Powermac G4 PCI 500mhz sonnet w/704 MB ram, 40gb + 9gb HD. ATI radeon 7000 pci. will include original ati card as well for those who want dual display. ZIP 100. ill include an original imac keyboard too. It will also have a Liteon DVD rom installed that is bootable and installs panther perfectly, also plays movies in OSX no problem what so ever with either video card. the case is in about A- shape. it can come with OS9 pre installed w/radeon drivers. it runs panther well.

I use the machine daily.

Powerbook G3 333mhz Lombard 320 mb ram, 4gb HD 24x cd rom. awsome screen, no missing keys, screen latch still great. few scuffs on body from previous owner, nothing major. i was going to hardwire the fan and just havnt gotten around to it yet, its ran many days on end without over heating. its in good operating shape minus the cooling fan. the battery is original and life always varies with it. comes with yo-yo power supply.

I bought it back around christmas and basically lost interest in it.

I figured i would post it here before it goes to ebay. Make an offer and see what i think. PM me.
