... a PII@some slow speed with 128mb Ram
Now for the ultmate question, will it run fast enough to be usefull?
Stay tuned...
(sleep is good zzzzzzzzzzzz)
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had to do it on my friend's pentium II. It is not really usable TBH, it is really slow. I also did this on a K6-2 450, still the same
Installing XP on a PII isn't breaking any new journalistic ground. It's well within Microsoft's minimum stated requirements, so far as that goes. Will it be slower then a newer computer? Yeah. Will it run fast enough to be useful? That depends on your patience.
If you're trying to set a record for slowest *possible* Windows XP machine you're going to have a tough time beating these guys:
8MHz?!?! That thing must be REALLY slow.