I'm taking the liberty of starting a new bug thread for Kiwi problems. Tonight I'm having trouble posting replies to thread there. The error I get is
user error: Duplicate entry '90' for key 1
query: INSERT INTO kiwi.comments (cid, nid, pid, uid, subject, comment, format, hostname, timestamp, status, score, users, thread, name, mail, homepage) VALUES (90, 320, 76, 496, 'Test to post.', 'Test to post.', 1, '', 1141023972, 0, 0, 'a:1:{i:0;i:0;}', '2.1.2/', 'Jon', '', '') in /usr/local/www/data/kiwi/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 125.
warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/www/data/kiwi/includes/common.inc:406) in /usr/local/www/data/kiwi/includes/common.inc on line 217.
This applies to multiple attempts to different threads, with varying info in the error specific to each post.
Could you try it again? I think I tracked down the problem.
Yes, it's working now. Thanks!