A few years ago, I made a dmg backup of my PowerMac G4's OS 9 Install Disc. I tend to make backups of system discs just in case I lose them (I move a lot). Luckily I did, because I did lose the disc :D. I acquired an iBook clamshell recently. I burned the dmg to a disc. The iBook will not boot from it. I get a floppy disc icon with a question mark on it. After a couple minutes, the iBook shuts off. To make sure it wasn't just the iBook, I tried booting the disc on my PowerBook Pismo. Nada, same result. Is there something I'm missing to make this disc bootable? I don't ever remember booting from the original disc (I used OS X on the PowerMac). I just wanted to run OS 9 on the iBook since OS X is not a great performer on them.
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And it's real easy to make 'em wrong.
The disk image needed to be saved as a 'DVD/CD Master' else it won't boot jack$. I reckon you just saved an image of the mounted volume as a compressed image. That will never be bootable without completely reauthoring the disk image, for which I've used Toast 4.x under a classic MacOS. I'm unaware of any tools to do it under OS X.
dan k
boot discs that came with one mac, will only work on that mac. Similair to windows OS, you can't use an emachines disc on a self built machine (well you can, but it won't work right, and then there is the liscencing thing) apple disabled it from doing that. So, you might just have to go out and buy a full OS 9 disc off of ebay
I found a copy for sale on macsales.com. I figured that would be the most likely solution. Thanks.
Thanks MacIndows!
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