Using a Mac as a Ethernet/Localtalk bridge

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Vellos's picture
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Using a Mac as a Ethernet/Localtalk bridge

Alright, here's the idea that I've got in my mind:

I have an old Performa which I was thinking about bringing Ethernet capabilities to, but couldn't justify doing it before. Now I think I can. The thing is to turn it into mostly just an ethernet to localtalk bride. Put an ethernet card in it's PDS slot, and then attach it to another Mac using localtalk, so that Mac could then see the rest of the ethernet network, and even the outside internet.

I'm sure this is possible, and is much cheaper than trying to track down an Asante adaptor (which seem to go for insanely high prices, compared to cheap PDS cards). The only thing is, does MacOS support doing this natively? If not, what software packages are required to accomplish this?

The Macs included in this are a Performa 6200CD (horrid design, but it works) and a PowerBook 180. Respective OS versions are 8.1 and 7.5.5 (Rev 2). Since this mostly deals with the capabilties of the Performa, it seems in place to have it within the PPC board.

Thoughs? Suggestions?

eeun's picture
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Apple released Localtalk Brid

Apple released Localtalk Bridge software back in the system 7.x days. I've used it on (can't remember... 8.6 or 9.1) without any trouble on an 8600.

It was in with Apple's downloads online, but if you can't track it down, send me a PM.

-edit- someone else's solution:

aladds's picture
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IPNetRouter will also let you share the internet over localtalk

dvsjr's picture
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yes but,

I've set up IPNetRouter for a law office, (I set it up a looong time ago, and its still working fine!) Its great stuff, but its expensive and not so easy to use. The localtalk bridge software is a piece of cake. Simple extension, lets you use a localtalk printer on an ethernet network, etc.
Free. Gotta love that.


Vellos's picture
Last seen: 19 years 1 week ago
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Alright. Thanks everyone for

Alright. Thanks everyone for the info. Apple's implementation seems to fit the bill, and as soon as I can track down an LC PDS ethernet card, I'm in business, and I can work with my laptop much more easily.

For my own backup, and perhaps for the ease of others who fall to this thread in the future, the bridge software is over here:

dvsjr's picture
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Re: PDS card

Vellos's picture
Last seen: 19 years 1 week ago
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Posts: 58
Unfortunately that card has a

Unfortunately that card has an AAUI port on it. I'd need to additionally buy a dongle for that to transceve it it into a 10BaseT jack. I've scoured eBay myself and been able to find a few things in the 10 to 15 dollar range that offers 10BaseT in the LC PDS format. Thanks though for looking that up.

dvsjr's picture
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well then

dankephoto's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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re: well then

Err, that's a nubus card.

Contact me directly if you can't find anything, I've got tons of the things. See my sig for email.

dan k

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