On a Recent cleaning expidition thru my closet I came across a box that had PC CPUs written on it stuck back in a corner and upon opening it I found several PC CPUs. 3 slot 1 CPUs and a celeron CPU.
As they were working pulls from back in my PC days. I'm offering them here.
they are
2 Slot one Intel 333Mhz CPUs one pulled from a Compaq and one from a PC clone both were working at the time they were pulled. Buy them both for $25.00 shipped or $12.50 each shipped.
Next a 650MHz /256/100 1.65volt slot one CPU, pulled from a working Dell DT.
$17.50 shipped
And last but not least a Celeron 700MHz/128/66 1.65volt. A working pull from a Gateway Tower system. $20.00 shipped. Reply here or PM