Z80 cards - in apple ii GS

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Z80 cards - in apple ii GS

between a friend and I we have a couple Z80 cards, a couple of NTSC apple ii GS's, and 1 x iie enhanced.

the z80 cards work in iie but we cant make them work at all in a GS. The internet suggests some cards worn run...but we have 3 of each and we cant make them run.

can anyone confirm if they are known to work in a GS?

Are there any tips you could pass on to help?

For sure, what slots should be used!

ps the board is running in SLOW mode at this time.

thanks in advance for any help or suggestions! thank you, Iain

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Re: Z80 cards - in apple ii GS

Hmm, … I have an AP51 - Z80 card without problems on a IIGS ROM03 in Slot 2 ( Select Slot 2 —> YOUR CARD )
Make sure the components on the card are:
U1 74LS00
U2 74LS05
U3 74LS32
U4 74LS107
U5,U6 74LS74
U7 74LS86
U8 74LS283
U9 74LS367
U10 LH0080A or Z8400A
U11 74LS138
U12 74F20
U15 74LS373
U13,U14,U16,U17 74LS367


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Posts: 53
Re: Z80 cards - in apple ii GS

hi, theres a few differences in my u-Microcomputers clone that I have here in front of me, not least the IC numbers arent called out - but the card functions A-OK in a iie and the parts are printed on the board. ine has a few 75LS244's, sans a few later ICs in your list and no dip switch.

I'll see if I can check the others.

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Re: Z80 cards - in apple ii GS

Hello Iain,
there are several different kinds of Z80 cards out there.....
it would be usefull to issue here links to pictures of the different kind of cards
you have and mark that cardtyp that is working and which doesn´t work...
otherwise we´re just shooting in the sky....

and besides:
it´s recomended to use the Z80 cards in slot 4 or 5 and slot 4 is the better choice....
there are slight differences in the timing of the slots...
and C/PM prefers the card in slot 4 by default.

At the Documentation Center there are nearly 20 different cards listed
and i know about at least 15 other kind of copycat cards not listed there....

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