Not mine but a very rare package that doesn't come up often and is actually the package used on the pre-NTI Apple-1 which the Mimeo and Obtronix is modeled after.
And its currently selling for about $340. Wow.
Has two ceramic chips, one fairly good size and at the edge of a pin...not good.
Has the ROR bug if you are a collector.
Fantastic! I bet this will make $500 easy. More.
This is the first 6502 package and the one that the Byte Shop Apple-1 uses. Since it works I think if your building a Mimeo having a couple of "nicks" in the ceramic isn't as important as it actually working. at least the legs are intact, there was one of the spider leg package which is much more common one like in the later Apple-I NTI boards which went broken legs and unknown working state for $382, so I think this one known as working and the rarer package should go for a bunch.
The final selling price was US$700.00.
Not a bad price concidering the damage to the chip, still I would have expected it to go for a little bit more since this package is very hard to find.
You need to stop spending money of Heathkit radios and get one of these in your Replica-1. LOL