Hey guys, So my CD-ROM drive in my performa 6115cd isnt working . Its a APPLECD 300i plus with FIRMWARE : 1994
My question is if i buy a APPLECD 300i plus but its firmware is : 1995 .... will the unit work in my computer? or do the firmwares have to match ?
They are both 50pin SCSI.
Thanks in advance .
I don't know what the difference is between those specific firmware versions, but I've never heard of this being a problem.
Well, i went ahead and purchased it . provided its not defective i will update this post after i install it . Thanks again Tom.
Both of those will probably work fine, minor versions probably aren't that different... But you would probably need a different driver (that may not exist) if you were to try to substitute say a Toshiba or Mitsumi CD-ROM drive, even if they are 50 pin SCSI.
hmmm. interesting . welp . ill update once i get it in there and let every one know .
For the records i have just replaced a non-working Sony AppleCD 300i Plus ( Firmware 1994) With a Matsushita AppleCD 300i Plus (Firmware 1993) in a Macintosh Performa 6115CD and it works perfectly straight away. No configuring or messing with it . Just plopped it in and it worked. Hope this helps someone in the future.