What's needed for a IIgs ROM 3 with a Uthernet Card to access and surf the Internet?

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What's needed for a IIgs ROM 3 with a Uthernet Card to access and surf the Internet?

Hi AppleFritter Members both of the Apple II Forum and in General --

I'm trying to make sure that I understand how I could use an Uthernet card, to gain Ethernet-based Internet access on my Apple IIgs ROM 3.

The main retro Web site that sells (on apparently infrequent occasion) Uthernet cards, states that the Uthernet card that it sells is generic for the //e and IIgs in allowing Ethernet-based Internet access (so I guess the Uthernet card itself is not made in a specific version that takes advantage of the special sound and graphics capabilites that would seem relevant to displaying the Internet)? Would such a distinction be in differing software as between the //e and IIgs, rather than in having 2 different level Uthernet cards sold?

The main Uthernet card-selling retro Web site says that the IIgs in particular requires both (1) driver software, and (2) an Internet browser software (I think it said Martinelli, but not Conticki).

To your knowledge, would the insertion of a Uthernet card in a IIgs ROM 3, combined with the above-2 stated-as-required software items, be enough to enable a IIgs ROM 3 to access and surf the Internet (I'm sure with much more limited capacities than those of modern computers)?

And if that software requirement advice is correct, then do you know where can I get the IIgs ROM 3 driver software, and the Martinelli IIgs ROM 3 Internet browser software, that I will need?

If these 2 software Items don't need to be on (or are not offered for purchase on) floppy disks, then I never understood how the "free download" concept would be able to download onto an Apple IIgs ROM 3 (rather than to a modern computer) any software at all.

Is some sort of modern computer-to-Apple IIgs ROM 3 computer conversion and/or data transfer physical device and/or accompanying software needed to accomplish this "free download", if it exists in this Uthernet-related case, of these apparently-needed 2 software Items, to get this software onto, say, the hard drive of an Apple IIgs?

Thanks very much!

With Regards --

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Re: What's needed for a IIgs ROM 3 with a Uthernet Card to ...

Just in follow-up -

Would the software offered on 3.5" floppy disk(s) at this Web site include the Apple IIgs ROM 3 (1) Driver and (2) Browsing Software, that I would need to use the Uthernet Card for Ethernet access with a IIgs ROM 3 to the Web?


Thanks again -

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Re: What's needed for a IIgs ROM 3 with a Uthernet Card to ...

By the way, you guys don't know of any hardware that's sold, which allows either Bluetooth or WiFi access to the Internet for the Apple IIgs ROM 3, right?

So the Uthernet Card is the most advanced hardware available for the IIgs ROM 3 to connect to the Internet, and there are no wireless alternatives available?


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Re: What's needed for a IIgs ROM 3 with a Uthernet Card to ...

The software you linked to from Syndicomm will get your GS online with an Unthernet card. And, unfortunately, there is no bluetooth or wifi solution to get you GS online. Maybe somebody will build something like that eventually. By the way, just out of curiosity, where are you located? I'm in western Oklahoma.


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Does Uthernet/IIgs Need Syndicomm *Browser* + *Driver* Software?

Hi Dean,

Thanks for the reply.

I received an additional response, saying that the Syndicomm Software link that I included contains the correct software, but is not a full solution, for what's required to utilize an Uthernet Card to connect an Apple IIgs to the Web via Ethernet.

According to this other reply, I need both that Syndicomm Software, and I also need Driver Software, written specifically for an Uthernet Card-Apple IIgs connection.

(The Uthernet Card itself that I bought, which was said by its Seller initially to have been sold to him as 1 of the newest-released [in 2011, he said] batch of Uthernet Cards from the Web Site [w/ a link in the Sales area on the main Web page of "a2central.com"] [listing itself as selling only Uthernet Cards [when they are available -- not currently]. --- This Uthernet Card seems generic in that it's "for the //e and IIgs".) While in many ways, the //e and IIgs have substantially different CPUs.

So therefore, maybe it makes sense that, in addition to a Web Browser that (hopefully) makes use of the greatly-enhanced Graphics and Sound capabilities of the IIgs over the //e, Apple IIgs-Specific Driver Software also is needed to connect a IIgs to the Web via this Uthernet Card?

Does this sound correct to you?

And if so, do you know of a Web site where I could buy this IIgs-Specific Uthernet Card Driver Software?

Thanks very much again for the reply!

Oh, I'm located in southern Massachusetts. How's the weather been in western Oklahoma?

Best Regards --

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Re: What's needed for a IIgs ROM 3 with a Uthernet Card to ...

You might be interested in reading this article: http://www.bytecellar.com/2008/06/21/back_in_april_i/ it details this persons experience using the Uthernet card with an Apple IIGS.

The weather has been cold the last few days, at least cold for Oklahoma (from Jan 99 to Mar 05 I lived in Montana).


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