Hi guys, what was the handbook that had some basic BASIC (basic) programs in it for kids young and old to try, that was supplied in the //e box?
And, no prizes I'm afraid, but what's wrong with this program?
10 GOTO http://www.1000bit.it/support/manuali/manuali.asp
20 INPUT "Apple Computer, Inc."
30 FIND "Apple IIe" ...
In line 10, you need a semicolon, not a comma.
Thanks, really appreciate these pointers, being new to getting back to all this
The BASIC manual references the Apple //e "Utilities Disk", but I can't find such a disk on eBay. Was that the actual name on the label of said disk?
Your BASIC fix worked. I swear I tried that 7 times before, but because you said it it decided to work.
Remember what we agreed about Asimov? .../images/masters/prodos/Apple II System Utilities v3.0 (ProDOS8 v1.4 1987).dsk
It drives my family crazy too. A boss back in college (this would have been 1990 or so) identified it as "the laying on of hands."
What a fantastic resource Asimov is. I did not think to look because I didn't think it was actually called "Utilities", more fool me trusting eBay results instead of FTP ones Lesson learnt. Got it now.
I was however able to buy the Touch of Applesoft BASIC book from eBay, so it's not completely useless. Although the book will likely fail to open until I ask here which way round to hold it.
Don't even get me started on which way to insert USB cables (it's always the third way round).