Wanted to buy Macintosh Classic II,SE/30,Plus

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Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: Feb 22 2014 - 02:12
Posts: 1
Wanted to buy Macintosh Classic II,SE/30,Plus

Hi people.
It happens to live in Europe.Based in both Turkey and Greece I was really lucky to find some Vintage Macintosh computers.
I want to buy some more Im looking for models like Macintosh ClassicII,SE/39,SE,Macintosh Plus.
Its extremely difficult to buy from E-bay because the most are not sending from US to europe or the post expenses are too much.Also Im afraid the damages.
If anyone has something like these computers even if it is not working from around Europe I will be very happy to buy at prices that we can arrange according to condition.
Thank you.