Want to burn Vulcan 2.0 (Gold) Rom. What equipment do I need?

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Want to burn Vulcan 2.0 (Gold) Rom. What equipment do I need?
I have a Vulcan drive and card. The Rom chip is labeled Vulcan 1.2GS. I would like to use the Gold rom BIN file and make my own 2.0GS rom. I have never worked with eeprom etc. What equipment do I need to “burn” my own Vulcan Rom?
Last seen: 1 hour 48 min ago
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What type of EPROM does it

What type of EPROM does it use?  I've got a Minipro TL866CS programmer which was fairly inexpensive (under $75 including a large assortment of chip adapters).  I've been able to program most of the common types of EPROM used on Apple II cards like 2716, 2732, 2764, 27512, etc.  You might also need a UV eraser (mine was under $25).  I bought both my programmer and eraser on Aliexpress, but you can also find them on Amazon, eBay, etc.




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softwarejanitor wrote:I've


I've got a Minipro TL866CS programmer which was fairly inexpensive (under $75 including a large assortment of chip adapters).  I've been able to program most of the common types of EPROM used on Apple II cards like 2716, 2732, 2764, 27512, etc.


Most 2716 and 2732 need a program pulse of 25V. This chinese programmer can just generate 21V. Means these EPROMs burnt with a low voltage pulse are not reliable.


And there is another issue with this programmer: the data base is often faulty, especially with the old EPROM types.




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Anyone able to burn?

Thanks RalfK,


From this thread https://www.applefritter.com/content/apple-ii-plus-iie-vulcan-drive-no-info-any-help it appears that one communitity member believes it to be a  27128...  I know nothing.   Is this doable by me if I purchase the right equipment?  I still don't know what will work, only have your hints on what probably won't.


Anyone offering eprom burning services out there?  I'd really love to get this old Vulcan using a 100MB (or larger?) compact flash.





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RalfK wrote:softwarejanitor



I've got a Minipro TL866CS programmer which was fairly inexpensive (under $75 including a large assortment of chip adapters).  I've been able to program most of the common types of EPROM used on Apple II cards like 2716, 2732, 2764, 27512, etc.


Most 2716 and 2732 need a program pulse of 25V. This chinese programmer can just generate 21V. Means these EPROMs burnt with a low voltage pulse are not reliable.


And there is another issue with this programmer: the data base is often faulty, especially with the old EPROM types.






I've heard a lot of people say this, but I've not had any troubles.  I have the older version not the -II version.  Some people say the new version won't do some of the chips the older version can.   I've also heard that later firmware versions broke some things.  I only did one firmware update necessary to get the Open Source software that I use under Linux to work.  I don't have Windows, so I can't say how well the supplied software works or how accurate it's database is.  It does appear to work under Wine and other people have reported it to work, but I'd rather just use the Open Source code, as it has worked well for me.

The EPROMs I've programmed have been a mix of old stock I've had in my parts bin for 30+ years as well as newly purchased parts from Aliexpress.  I've yet to have a failure and the chips I've programmed seem to work reliably.


Anyway, there are other choices, but almost all of them are significantly more expensive.



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william_tell wrote:Thanks


Thanks RalfK,


From this thread https://www.applefritter.com/content/apple-ii-plus-iie-vulcan-drive-no-info-any-help it appears that one communitity member believes it to be a  27128...  I know nothing.   Is this doable by me if I purchase the right equipment?  I still don't know what will work, only have your hints on what probably won't.


Anyone offering eprom burning services out there?  I'd really love to get this old Vulcan using a 100MB (or larger?) compact flash.







I don't believe I've done a 27128, but I've done most of the other common sizes.



macnoyd's picture
Last seen: 10 hours 50 min ago
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I can do it. Do you have the code?

I can do it. Do you have the code?

PM me with the code & I'll let you know if it fits on a 27128 or whatever.

Last seen: 18 hours 45 min ago
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My Vulcan EPROMs are all

My Vulcan EPROMs are all 27128s


amauget's picture
Last seen: 4 days 23 hours ago
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All the Vulcan EPROM files

All the Vulcan dump files are 16 Ko, 27128 EPROM size.

The Gold GS ROM 2.0 is available here.

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For got to mention, for some

For got to mention, for some time there's a guy on ebay that's been selling kits  to upgrade the Vulcan. It has the EPROM, CF, adapter and a utilities floppy

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EPROM Gold 2.0 acquired; new challenge Part.Manager won’t recog,

Okay, thanks to the help of macnoyd, I have the Vulcan Gold 2.0 eprom installed.

If I use a compact flash that I partitioned and formatted with the previous 1.2 ROM, the Vulcan works in slot 7 with the new ROM. 

However, I cannot get the Part.Manager 1.17 to recognize that a Vulcan card/drive is in the //gs.

Is there a later version of the Vulcan software that has to be used with the Gold 2.0 ROM?

Last seen: 18 hours 45 min ago
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The Vulcan gold uses a

The Vulcan gold uses a different partition manager. I'm sure I've seen it online but can't recall where.

Send me an address and I'll email it to you

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