Vintage Computer Museum

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1978AppleII's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: Jul 5 2015 - 16:54
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Vintage Computer Museum

So these folks sometimes have some pretty cool stuff, but most of the time its way over priced. I also see them parting out computers (or at least that appears to be the case)

Their current auctions on eBay: $89.99

A buffered printer interface card:

A JDR 16KB memory card: $89.99

An Apple II power supply: $99.99

Bank Street card: $79.99

Gutted Apple II+ case: $99.99

Apple II+ Motherboard: $199.00

Apple II+ keyboard: $199.99

I mean I don't have an issue with parting something out if you can't fix it and make it good to go, but if you pull that all together price-wise it's like $800.00 for an Apple II+!!

Is it just me???

- Jennifer

Last seen: 1 week 9 hours ago
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Re: Vintage Computer Museum

It is not just you Jennifer,
Suppose you were to buy a car by the parts and assemble it yourself; it would end up costing many times the retail cost of a new car. Same thing with vintage Apple II's
And yes,if you are willing to disassemble the computer, place multiple ads and ship multiple boxes you can get more for an Apple II+ computer if it is sold in parts. As a matter of fact there are several eBay buyers/ sellers that do this regularly (at least 3 that I know of).
Also there seems to be a high demand for Apple II keyboards (maybe for use with Apple-1 replicas) and overseas buyers do not want to pay the shipping charges for the whole computer, so this is another incentive to sell the computers by their individual parts...

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Vintage Computer Museum


These would not be the first items from Vintagecomputermuseum
to be listed. There are a lot more under the "This is Laughable" Thread.

They Jack up their prices so hi its pathetic.

Steven Smile

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Re: Vintage Computer Museum

And if you part out a system, you have less risk of failure, less complaints.

I'd never pay vintagecomputermuseum prices. But I'm sure some flunky will.

1978AppleII's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: Jul 5 2015 - 16:54
Posts: 223
Re: Vintage Computer Museum

Yeah, I guess you guys are right. I was just thinking to myself how much it would be if I had to buy each and every component/chip/etc., for an Apple II+ from eBay to assemble one. Thinking it might be astronomical in price Smile


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