Two years ago, on 09-09-09, Mac GUI Vault opened to the public. And here it is still today. Three years ago, I got the idea to create a folder on my hard drive and place within it a copy of every Apple II and Macintosh related file from 1976 up until 1998. It sort of flew off from there. Today, Mac GUI Vault is visited by several thousand unique visitors per month, and contains many gigabytes of software, photos, ASCII and PDF files, and Usenet articles.
Back when Vault first opened to the masses, I had the idea to burn DVD copies of the entire archive at the time and send them out by mail to anyone who asked. This proved to be quite popular, so much so that if I were to pay for the postage of it all, it would cost me a three-figure sum. Instead, I made a compromise, and sent out an email telling those who were still interested in receiving the 2-DVD Vault set to send me a SASE. So, some copies did get sent out. But I still have a stack of DVDs which were never sent.
Today, I am reviving the Vault DVD offer under similar conditions: I will be glad to send it out to anyone who sends me a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
In addition, I'll sweeten the deal: if you include one blank DVD-R or three blank CD-Rs, you will receive the three delta updates to Vault since 9 September 2009.
If you are interested in receiving your free copy of the Vault DVD set, just send me an email, and I'll reply back with full details.