I recently got an Apple II Europlus with an 80 column card marked "Ananas 80Z" (that's pineapple in german).
My main problem is that the onboard relay for switching the output to the 80 column screen is activated, as soon as the cards video connector has a ground connection. It has two eproms labled "DIN" and "ASC" wich is obviously the german and the us font sets, but I don't know how to switch between them. The card works when I do a "PR#3" but some graphics are scrambled, because it uses the german font set.
I may provide some pics, soon.
Does anyone have a manual or does know a similiar card?
Regards, Florian
pm sent...
sincerely speedyG
Hello freitz,
just sent a mail with manual....
pickup and enjoy....
just note for the other AF-members: that card is a nearly 100% clone from the german ehring 80 col. card....
sincerely speedyG