"Understanding James Fielding (Jim) Sather"

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gsmcten's picture
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"Understanding James Fielding (Jim) Sather"

Good Morning All,

I just finished reading "Understanding the Apple IIe" by James Fielding (Jim) Sather.
I finished "Understanding the Apple II" several months ago.

I did not realize when I started just how much of a difference there is between
the II/II+ and the IIe.
I now understand that the IIe is more Software Driven, than Hardware Driven.

As I read I became more interested in Jim's background and how he came to be an Apple II Guy.

I am surprised by the fact that after doing a some research under both his full name
and shortened name that hardly any references are displayed.

Jeff M. I know that you know Jim ( as you're mentioned in the book, lol).
Maybe you and others can steer me in the right direction to finding out
more about this gentleman?

I would like to open this thread to explore the backgrounds of folks (not only Jim but everyone)
who have an impact not only on our community, but also each of us as individuals who love our Apple II's.

Steven Smile

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Re: "Understanding James Fielding (Jim) Sather"

I don't know Jim Sather personally, but I've been following his work for about as long as I've had an Apple][.
He started with a great publication on understanding the Apple][, then he came out with a few cool products such as the QuickLoader and (IMO) the best EProm programmer out there. (i.e."PromGrammer")
I spent many a night building projects, improving my Apple ][ in ways most folks would think are pretty crazy.
My prize possession is my original Apple][ that I modified the case to fit an Apple ][e keyboad on.
That was a big project because I had to make up my own keyboard interface. So I ended up using a Videx Keyboard Enhancer (their last version) with the 256 char type-ahead buffer and remapping the ASCII output table to accommodate the different key locations. I also made permanent changes to the Applesoft ROMS (EProm) so I would have full upper/lower case capability without running jumpers or running Applesoft from the language card. Having the QuickLoader installed made the Apple][ work like a rocket in it's day. It was a great challenge and it was all made possible by way of Jim Sather's contributions to the Apple][ Community.

If anyone's interested in the project, (it's somewhat destructive to a virgin Apple][/+) I can U/L photos. (only one in existence AFAIK)
Also, if anyone has QuickLoader ROMS with extra programs someone (or you) have made, I'm interested in swaps.
It's been really hard obtaining collections of ROMS for this card. Back in the day, Jim was offering AppleWorks burned in ROM but poor me couldn't afford the price at the time. I have several QuickLoader cards today.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: "Understanding James Fielding (Jim) Sather"


Are Jim's program listing online?
I know of the ones in the books, but
if there are any listed online that would be great!

Steven Smile

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Re: "Understanding James Fielding (Jim) Sather"

<< BIG SNIP >>

If anyone's interested in the project, (it's somewhat destructive to a virgin Apple][/+) I can U/L photos. (only one in existence AFAIK)

I would be interested in Pictures.... And any other info you have on your Customizations..

Also, if anyone has QuickLoader ROMS with extra programs someone (or you) have made, I'm interested in swaps.
It's been really hard obtaining collections of ROMS for this card. Back in the day, Jim was offering AppleWorks burned in ROM but poor me couldn't afford the price at the time. I have several QuickLoader cards today.

Are there any Schematics for making a QuickLoader Card???


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Re: "Understanding James Fielding (Jim) Sather"

I think it's more telling of the times regarding hardware vs. software driven.

When the II and II+ were out, it was all about the hobbyist and finding direction. Getting hardware out there. Finding out exactly what it could do. Seeing where the micro fits in the home and small business.

By the time the //e came out, there was more memory available for writing more complex routines. It was about refining applications, making them user friendly. Building nicer interfaces. Making the system less technical.

And these evolutionary changes were reflected in the writing style.

1978AppleII's picture
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Re: "Understanding James Fielding (Jim) Sather"

I've been looking for a hard copy of Understanding the Apple II...

This is supposed to be the definitive guide to everything Apple from what I understand...

Anybody have a spare they would like to sell on the cheap?


speedyG's picture
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Re: "Understanding James Fielding (Jim) Sather"

Hello Jennifer,

well not for sale ... but all books are availiable at least as scanned pdf-files:

and if you watch at ebay there might be a chance ....
within the last 12 months both books have been offereed several times ( 3 or 4 occasions )
and sometimes that books are even listed as antiquar at amazon...

within at least my circle of friends they all only have one own book and not a spare one availiable....
and that one is kept in backshelf like a insurance policy ....
as long as the Apple ][ is "in House" - that long those guys want to keep the "insurance" too "in House"....

but one thing is for sure:
if you want to obtain the printed versions then you will need patience and long breath...

gsmcten's picture
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Re: "Understanding James Fielding (Jim) Sather"

There happens to be two copies of "Understanding the Apple IIe"
for sale on eBay right now.

They may be a bit pricey, but well worth it in knowledge.

Does anyone have more info on Jim Sather?
Does he have a web site or anything?

Steven Smile

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Re: "Understanding James Fielding (Jim) Sather"

I'd be interested. I've got some IIe keyboards and lots of spare II+.

He started with a great publication on understanding the Apple][, then he came out with a few cool products such as the QuickLoader and (IMO) the best EProm programmer out there. (i.e."PromGrammer")
I spent many a night building projects, improving my Apple ][ in ways most folks would think are pretty crazy.
My prize possession is my original Apple][ that I modified the case to fit an Apple ][e keyboad on.
That was a big project because I had to make up my own keyboard interface. So I ended up using a Videx Keyboard Enhancer (their last version) with the 256 char type-ahead buffer and remapping the ASCII output table to accommodate the different key locations. I also made permanent changes to the Applesoft ROMS (EProm) so I would have full upper/lower case capability without running jumpers or running Applesoft from the language card. Having the QuickLoader installed made the Apple][ work like a rocket in it's day. It was a great challenge and it was all made possible by way of Jim Sather's contributions to the Apple][ Community.

If anyone's interested in the project, (it's somewhat destructive to a virgin Apple][/+) I can U/L photos. (only one in existence AFAIK)
Also, if anyone has QuickLoader ROMS with extra programs someone (or you) have made, I'm interested in swaps.
It's been really hard obtaining collections of ROMS for this card. Back in the day, Jim was offering AppleWorks burned in ROM but poor me couldn't afford the price at the time. I have several QuickLoader cards today.

gsmcten's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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Re: "Understanding James Fielding (Jim) Sather"


There are currently two copies of Understanding the apple IIe on ebay:



and one copy of Understanding the Apple II :


Two are a bit (in my opinion) pricey (over $100.00).
The other is BIN for $85.00

Steven Smile

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Re: "Understanding James Fielding (Jim) Sather"

I've been looking for a hard copy of Understanding the Apple II...

Anybody have a spare they would like to sell on the cheap?


Yes Jim's books (and the equally impressive, "Apple II Circuit Description" by Winston Gayler) are the definitive works on the Apple II design.

A complete understanding of these books is about as close as you can get to being inside Woz's head as he first brought this wonderful machine to life.

Jennifer, I actually do have a "spare" copy; PM with your address and I'll get it to you.

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