For trade or sale in France

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Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jun 1 2016 - 14:55
Posts: 5
For trade or sale in France


I'm located in France, near Paris, and have a few items I could spare :

- ICE Avid blue video processing card - same as

- A bunch of SCA drives with 4 slots external enclosures (pickup only, won't worth shipping costs)

- Powerbook 500 series spares and parts (no card cage)

No price tags, those have almost no value to me.

I'd be interested in :

- PB 500 card cage and any other parts or upgrade

- PCI SATA card (OS9 bootable)

- G3 or G4 upgrade for a PM9600

- Quadra 900/950 and possibly an Asante fast ethernet nubus card.