Titus Larson Apple Interfacing

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Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: Nov 16 2011 - 07:45
Posts: 2493
Titus Larson Apple Interfacing

Hello to all AFmembers,

several years ago i read the book from Titus and Larson as
preperation before i started to make my first interface.

The book is availiable for download at:

Titus Larsen Titus - Apple Interfacing

At the end of the book at Appendix D ( page 197 ) they also publish a PCB that may be used
together with the text in the book. I made another kind of PCB and added also LEDs to my board
to make the communication between Apple CPU and the devices that shall be handled by the computer.

I still kept line with the recommended ICs used in the proposed PCB but added the ability to also
use instead also other common interfacing IC's.

Within the last years that PCB from me gat lost.
Now 2 years ago i started again with the development of new cards and i started digging in my
archives for the old PCB film.
After i found it - i revised the layout slightly and modified the part with the LEDs. In the former
board used the standard round 5mm LEDs and the new version instead uses modern LEDbars saving a bit
more space.

Few weeks ago i stumbled again over the project that i performed 2 years ago and the pictures i made
in that days.

Maybe the one or ather AFmember that reads the book has similar ideas and may look for alternate
layout like mine. Another difference between the board from the Titis Larson book is the fact
that i added pinbridges at the communicationlines. This permits to switch that lines on or off
by inserting or removing that questionable pincap. And besides that also permits better access
to that lines with an oscilloscope.

the film of the PCB:


the view to the components:


the PCB after drilling:


The PCB partially completed:


The PCB completed:


Another point is that i added at the lines with the LEDbars resistornetworks
( 9 x 10 k ) ( the blue components beside of the LEDbars.....

All sockets have been equipped with precesionsocket connectors at each pin that permit
fast changes of wiring with normal wires.

At the one corner there was a part added that enables powersuplly and stabilisation from
external source and / or switchable by pincaps.


Last seen: 2 hours 16 min ago
Joined: Jun 5 2008 - 07:26
Posts: 479
Re: Titus Larson Apple Interfacing

Hi Speedy,

Nice to see you developing a card compatible with the original design.

I looked into reissuing a revised version of the book along with some new hardware. At one point, I talked to Jon Titus and he was willing to give me permission to do so. In the end I went in a different direction and created the Superproto card and it's associated Wiki.

Mike Willegal

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