Time is Money now working in Virtual ][

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Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 14:45
Posts: 219
Time is Money now working in Virtual ][
Image icon Time is Money.png140.26 KB
Image icon Set Disk Properties.png79.78 KB

The home finance program Time is Money will now work in Virtual ][ starting with version 6.4, which was just newly released.

Thanks to Gerard Putter, this version has a new feature added to the Media menu (Set Disk Properties) which allows the change of the disk file Volume Number from its 254 default (and also you can make disk files Write Protected, which is VERY helpful).

In the case of Time is Money, changing the Volume number to 106 now renders them fully usable in Virtual ][.

Thank you, Gerard, for your attentiveness to an end-users need and the swift action you took to remedy the problem!