I have a lot of old mac games from the mid to late 90s and early 2000s. However, when I put them in my mac book pro cd rom drive and click on the setup or run file in the disc a pop up appears saying that my mac does not support power pc applications. For the better of mac gamers everywhere, I think this problem should be resolved.
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If it's a PPC OS X application, you might have luck with Rosetta.
If it's OS 9 or previous, you could try Sheepshaver (PPC) or Basilisk (68K) emulators. But neither are particularly stable for gaming compared to running it on vintage hardware. It may not be what you want to hear, but the best solution is to track down a PPC Mac.
Rosetta doesn't run on the 64 bit osx, so as of 10.6 or 7 I forget which you are out of luck.
However if your are willing to break your Iicense and poke around the net a bit. You can run older versions of 10.x under VMware on your Mac (or PC) and they support Rosetta.
I have a solution! You can use virtualbox to emulate a pc or old computer.
Nope. Virtualbox won't allow you to install a PowerPC operating system.
The only option there would be, as suggested above, to install a prior Intel version of MacOS into the virtual environment that still supports Rosetta.
Virtual and emulated environments are spotty at best for gaming anyway. Like I said, best bet is get a PPC Mac.