Star Trek 8k Apple I Basic
To load: Load Basic at E000.EFFF
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C100R (load cassette)
4A.00FFR 300.FFFR
Apple Star-Trek by Robert J. Bishop
APPLE STAR-TREK is an additional version of the "STAR-TREK"
type of games in which you must find and shoot down the "bad
guys," the Klingons. The rules are very similar to most
STAR-TREK games.
The galaxy is divided into 64 quadrants arranged in an 8x8
grid; each quadrant is further subdivided into 8x8 sectors.
Your mission is to find and destroy the seven Klingon
spaceships hiding somewhere in the galaxy; you are allotted 15
stardates and have two starbases at which you can refuel. You
are initially supplied with three photon torpedoes and 500
units of energy. Your energy supply is used to move you
around the galaxy, (b) fire your phasers, and (c) protect the
Enterprise via its deflection shields which are automatically
activated by the on-board computer every time a Klingon fires
at you.
Each time you enter or maneuver within a quadrant containing
a Klingon, he will shoot at you, and the amount of damage his
phasers did to your shields will be indicated. Each time you
shoot at him with either phasers or photon torpedoes and fail
to destroy him, he will also return fire upon you.
There are six commands available to you; they are numbered
from 0 to 5:
0 Moves the Enterprise. Computer responds with: "VECTOR ?",
to which you must specify the number of sectors you want to
move, both horizontally and vertically. A positive
horizontal move is to the right, and a positive vertical
move is up. These two vector commands must be separated by
a comma; for example: -21,35 would move the Enterprise 21
sectors to the left of its current position, and 35 sectors
1 Short Range Sensor Scan. Prints the quadrant you are
currently in, with the Enterprise represented by the
symbols: <*> , Klingons represented by: +++ , starbases
by: >!< , and stars by * .
2 Long Range Sensor Scan. Displays a 3x3 array of "nearest
neighbor" quadrants with the Enterprise's quadrant in the
center. The scan is coded in the form: KBS, where K is the
number of Klingons, B is the number of starbases, and S is
the number of stars in the quadrant.
3 Fire Phasers. The computer informs you as to how much total
energy you have left, and then waits for you to to indicate
how much of that energy you want to fire at the enemy.
(Note: the closer you are the more effect your phasers will
have, and conversely!)
4 Fire Photon Torpedo. You have no control over the course of
the torpedo; the on-board computer automatically aims at
the enemy, taking care to avoid hitting any intervening
stars or starbases. (Again, the closer you are, the better
your chance of hitting the Klingon.)
5 Library Computer. The library computer allows for the
following two requests:
REQUEST = Zero: Cumulative record of the results of
all previous long-range sensor scans
of the galaxy.
REQUEST = Non-zero: Status Report
Moving from one quadrant to another uses up energy and one
stardate. However, moving within a given quadrant uses up only
Much can happen in a few stardates! Consequently, if you
leave a quadrant and then later return, don't expect the
Klingons, stars, etc to still be in the same relative positions
that they were in when you left! The number of each will still
be the same, but their positions will be different. This means
that whenever you enter a new quadrant, you don't know just
where the various objects will be; in fact don't be surprised
if once in a while you collide with things!!!
Docking at a starbase re-initializes your supply of photon
torpedoes to 3, and your energy supply 500. Docking is
accomplished by moving the Enterprise to any one of the four
sectors immediately adjacent a starbase, above, below, left, or
Firing zero units of phaser energy will return you to command
mode. This allows you to retreat from battle.
Quadrant 0,0 is the lower left hand quadrant of the galaxy,
and quadrant 7,7 is the upper right. Likewise, sector 0,0 is in
the lower left hand corner of the quadrant and 7,7 in the upper
right. (Thus, the galaxy resembles a Cartesian co-ordinate
system with the x-axis pointing to the right, and the y-axis
pointing up.)
The APPLE STAR-TREK program is written in APPLE BASIC and uses
most of the available memory. Any attempts to expand or modify
the program are done at your own risk!
[re-typed March 2005 by Pete Turnbull
from a scanned listing provided by Bob Bishop]
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