Rubber feet for the Apple iie.

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Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: May 27 2013 - 13:01
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Rubber feet for the Apple iie.

I have some very good news, my Apple ii friends! RadioShack has again decided to produce the correct rubber feet for the Apple iie. There was no reason for me to reveal this knowledge before because this product was seemingly discontinued. If you are looking for replacement rubber feet for your Apple iie to do a REAL RESTORATION... Then look no further than catalog number 6400256. Although their website does not show the feet that I am referring to the description clearly says, "two styles". The other "style" is the one we are interested in. You can always go to your local RadioShack and see for yourself. No more paying through the roof for these feet on Ebay!!! Please do not be fooled by the picture. These are the correct ones. The approximate measurements of these rubber feet are: From top view: one side of the bottom square 20.5mm, inner square 13.4mm. Height of each foot is 8mm.

MarkO's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 15 hours ago
Joined: Dec 10 2011 - 16:26
Posts: 689
Re: Rubber feet for the Apple iie.

I have some very good news, my Apple ii friends! RadioShack has again decided to produce the correct rubber feet for the Apple iie. There was no reason for me to reveal this knowledge before because this product was seemingly discontinued. If you are looking for replacement rubber feet for your Apple iie to do a REAL RESTORATION... Then look no further than catalog number 6400256. Although their website does not show the feet that I am referring to the description clearly says, "two styles". The other "style" is the one we are interested in. You can always go to your local RadioShack and see for yourself. No more paying through the roof for these feet on Ebay!!!

So 10 of them are the Round, and 10 are the Square????

I need to get some of these...


Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: May 27 2013 - 13:01
Posts: 849
Re: Rubber feet for the Apple iie.

I have some very good news, my Apple ii friends! RadioShack has again decided to produce the correct rubber feet for the Apple iie. There was no reason for me to reveal this knowledge before because this product was seemingly discontinued. If you are looking for replacement rubber feet for your Apple iie to do a REAL RESTORATION... Then look no further than catalog number 6400256. Although their website does not show the feet that I am referring to the description clearly says, "two styles". The other "style" is the one we are interested in. You can always go to your local RadioShack and see for yourself. No more paying through the roof for these feet on Ebay!!!

So 10 of them are the Round, and 10 are the Square????

I need to get some of these...


You get 8 of the square ones and 12 of the round ones.

MarkO's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 15 hours ago
Joined: Dec 10 2011 - 16:26
Posts: 689
Re: Rubber feet for the Apple iie.

You get 8 of the square ones and 12 of the round ones.

Thanks... That is Good to Know...


Here2Learn's picture
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
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Re: Rubber feet for the Apple iie.

WOW! Thanks. I remember using those in the late 90's, then could not find them last year.


ericF's picture
Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
Joined: Sep 22 2013 - 16:57
Posts: 28
Re: Rubber feet for the Apple iie.

Picked these up during the great Radio Shack contraction (last year?) Oh so nice not to have my //e wobble on the desk.

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