Retro Magazines Ep:02 - C&VG - Christmas 1981

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Retro Magazines Ep:02 - C&VG - Christmas 1981

Retro Magazines Ep:02 - C&VG - Christmas 1981


It's December of 1981 and we are closing in on Christmas.

What will be the big stocking fillers this year?

Will Santa be brining you a ZX81 for you to solder together, or a sparkly new Apple II tower of power?

Or maybe its a handheld Puck Man or one of the new fangled Game and Watches from Nintendo.


This is a jam packed edition where £69 kit computers vie for column inches with the Vic 20,

Atari 800, Apple II+ and TRS-80.

Join me to find out exactly how Christmas 1981 shook out over here in the UK for the micro kiddies.