Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

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Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II


First prize donated by A2RetroSystems

What do you love most about using an Apple II? Probably that it's an open system, will expand only to the limits of your imagination, and that it's straightforward to understand and program.

But be honest: you probably also love the retro feel of the machine: the curves, the glow of the CRT, the sounds of the Disk II, the rainbow Apple logo.

The theme of this contest is to recreate that vintage feel in a photo taken in 2015. Choose a decade: 70s, 80s, or 90s, and compose an Apple II setup that looks like it came straight from that decade. Attention to detail matters: we like CRT monitors or TV sets, cassette recorders, some Apple II books or magazines, stacks of floppies, a desk phone, maybe even some vintage posters or furniture.

We're not asking for photos actually taken back then (but you can use them as inspiration!) but instead for a photo that looks like it's from that time.


Photos will be judged based on composition, elements from the chosen time period, and overall retro feel.

Only photos taken by the entrant for this contest will be eligible to win. Also, only one photo per entrant will be eligible to win a prize.

The contest starts Monday, August 31st, and will accept entries until Monday, September 14th.


All submissions must be made to this contest gallery.

Here is the place to upload a photo.


First Prize - the latest Uthernet II ethernet card from A2RetroSystems, shipped direct to you.*

Second Prize - Free shipping on up to two Uthernet II cards pre-ordered from A2RetroSystems.

* The Uthernet II will be shipped as soon as it is ready. If desired, you can have it sent to anyone whom you nominate.

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

May the Apple ][ clones and peripherals (like the ones used at that time in some countries) be photographed?

Dog Cow's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

If that's what you want to use, go for it! Smile

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

I'm here looking at the Apple ii forum and see the title of this thread and the one just below it is about the bell and Howell darth vader computer.

What's next?

A picture of this computer next to some guy dressed as darth vader? Blum 3

Dog Cow's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

That could be what it takes to win the Uthernet II! Submit a picture.

Already we have someone who has submitted pictures! Take a look at the contest gallery.

Eudimorphodon's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

Guess if I want to enter I'll have to create an account, huh. Wink

Dog Cow's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

You won't regret it. Smile

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

That could be what it takes to win the Uthernet II! Submit a picture.

Already we have someone who has submitted pictures! Take a look at the contest gallery.

Problem is... The suit alone is $1K.

1978AppleII's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

That could be what it takes to win the Uthernet II! Submit a picture.

Already we have someone who has submitted pictures! Take a look at the contest gallery.

Problem is... The suit alone is $1K.

Just one word. "Rental". Smile


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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

That could be what it takes to win the Uthernet II! Submit a picture.

Already we have someone who has submitted pictures! Take a look at the contest gallery.

Problem is... The suit alone is $1K.

Just one word. "Rental". Smile


Rental price is still too expensive.

1978AppleII's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

So do what they did in the old classic "Hardware Wars"...

Use a black cape, a welders mask, black gloves, etc.

Problem make you even more points than a real Darth Vader outfit!


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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

So do what they did in the old classic "Hardware Wars"...

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss three bucks goodbye!

Darph Nader.
Fluke Starbucker
Augie Ben Doggie
Ham Salad

And of course, flying toasters shooting toast!!

(Everyone always looks at me like I have three heads when I reference that, glad I'm not the only one who remembers!!)

(let us not forget 4 Q 2 and Artie Decco)

1978AppleII's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

So do what they did in the old classic "Hardware Wars"...

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss three bucks goodbye!

Darph Nader.
Fluke Starbucker
Augie Ben Doggie
Ham Salad

And of course, flying toasters shooting toast!!

(Everyone always looks at me like I have three heads when I reference that, glad I'm not the only one who remembers!!)

(let us not forget 4 Q 2 and Artie Decco)

Hahahaha, that is so awesome!! Yes, I also remember that - classic!

And in a similar vein, "Closet Encounters of the Nerd Kind" - not anywhere near as good but entertaining just as well.


Dog Cow's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

Time is running out! Get your entries in! Remember, any photo is better than no photo! And you can submit a better photo later to be judged instead.

CWJ_Wilko's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

Great idea, I've just uploaded my entry, 'Colossus'.

Dog Cow's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II


And to everyone else: the submission deadline is this coming Monday the 14th!

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

I am too busy to fiddle with photos and setups right now and the possible prize is not interesting at all (to me). I won't participate (this time) Wink

MarkO's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

Not to Wait until the Last Minute, but When on 14-SEP-2015 is the deadline???

( Still waiting for parts for the Time Machine, to get all the Retro Gear, to win the Contest, [ or at least have some fantastic Retro Photos ] ) Wink


Dog Cow's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

The contest ends tomorrow. That's the last day that any photos will be accepted!

MarkO: end of the day is the deadline. Because of timezones and all, I don't think there's any need to be super precise.

MarkO's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

The contest ends tomorrow. That's the last day that any photos will be accepted!

MarkO: end of the day is the deadline. Because of timezones and all, I don't think there's any need to be super precise.

OK... I got some Submitted... I had wanted to do more, but couldn't locate all my "stuff"...


Dog Cow's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II


For me, the rest of the week will be spent rounding up all the people who submitted more than one picture and asking which one they want to have judged.

MarkO's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II


For me, the rest of the week will be spent rounding up all the people who submitted more than one picture and asking which one they want to have judged.

I will Submit the First One.


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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

For iainjh, "1979 play"

Cheers Smile

Dog Cow's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

Noted, thanks.

Dog Cow's picture
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If your name is on this list:

Sherry Haibara

Then please log in to Mac GUI and visit this contest page:

And reply to that topic with the URL to the single image that you wish to submit for judging.

Dog Cow's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

Only two people remaining from the list-- Deckard and applekim. When these two submit their chosen entry for judging, then judging on submitted photos will begin.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

Hello Dog Cow

the winner is ?????

well maybe you´ll need to set s deadline for reply of the quest to select which picture
will be judged....

otherwise after deadline choice may be taken by "best or first among contributed" or by dice .....

otherwise it might become impolite to the other contributors to delay the final judgement just
because 2 are too lazy (?) to reply....


Dog Cow's picture
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Apple II Retro Photo Contest - Judging Begins Today

Judging for the 14 entries in last month's Apple II Retro Photo Contest begins today. Entries will be judged based on composition, elements from the chosen time period, and overall retro feel.

The first and second place winners will be announced on Friday.

The following is a public notice to you, applekim. Because you submitted more than one entry and because you failed to respond to two emails sent to you asking which photo you wished to have judged, the latest photo that you submitted, viz. 20150814 180914 is now chosen and will be judged as your entry for the contest.

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Prize winners
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Re: Prize winners

I have absolutely no idea why these images are so great. It's my fault.

macnoyd's picture
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Re: Prize winners

Sour grapes. I'm pointing the finger at myself. I agree with insanitor, the images aren't so great.
I wasn't all that satisfied with my own image, as there was a lot more content I could have thrown in
but couldn't / didn't take the time to include. Likely, it wouldn't have mattered anyway because that's
not what the judges were looking for. The winning photo (IMHO) was among the ones with the least
content and the poorest color, though the photo had very good resolution, but this proves that beauty
is in the eye of the beholder. Again, me and my sour grape sore loser attitude is talking. Ha!

Truly, congratulations to cory986 as he had the combo the judges were looking for. Enjoy the Uthernet card.
You won it fair and square.

No honorable mention was given to pcjunky's photo of "My 1983 Apple setup now in 2015" but I want to
call him out on a photo that I thought was going to be a winner.

Great job to all who participated.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

Maybe it was not very good explenation about the "target" of the
aim of the contest.....
in fact the judging was carried out by value to the view by artist
and not from technician or user....
so the composition and art was valued more than the content or
what was claimed to be the "feeling of the 80´s" .... and that
value ( feeling of the 80´s ) is definition like a chewing gum....
everybody has different view to what he might call "feeling of the 80´s"
maybe it might be the kick to initiate a contest similar but
scored by users counting most "likes" allthough that might become difficult
( thinking about the chance of cheating )....?

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Re: Prize winners


Thanks for the congrats...

I want you guys to know my goals for the picture when I set it up and took it...

I went for 1977 simplicity.

The thoughts in my head for the picture was of a person who just setup their Apple ][ for the first time.

This is why the machine had no disk drives and a simple color TV from 1977 with a set of early apple paddles. If you notice, a copy of the pre-redbook Apple manual (I didn't want to bend my original) opened to the page on how to hook it up to a TV and a 1970's HP-35 calculator saying "HELLO" are sitting on top of the machine like someone was playing with the calculator waiting for the program to load. The cassette player was simply cropped out of the picture as I was hiding my Sol-20/Helios on the same table to the left of the Apple ][. The raw original picture had it.

I also color corrected the picture to look correct for that time period.

I was actually kicking myself for not putting one of my kids in the pic holding a paddle, but neither was around.


Dog Cow's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

All of the photos were good and interesting. If I were the judge, the winners would have been different, and if someone else were judge, the winners would have been different too…

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

The photos are completely uninteresting...I haven't participated (I was wise enough not to waste time), so my opinion is not influenced. What are the names of the winners?

BillO's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

The photos are completely uninteresting...I haven't participated (I was wise enough not to waste time), so my opinion is not influenced. What are the names of the winners?

See if you can find the cleverly hidden link in post #28. The one that everyone else found without any trouble at all.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

Georgel Wrote:

The photos are completely uninteresting...I haven't participated (I was wise enough not to waste time), so my opinion is not influenced.

You know Georgel...

You're turning into a"The Glass is completely Empty" kind of person, aren't you?

Is there any particular reason for that?

Steven Smile

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

You know gsmcten,
living in a country with shitty government like bulgaria where mafia rules with support by EU and US, where (in bulgaria) government steals billions of EUR from private bank accounts (this happened again for example last year from one bank ), where nature is completely destroyed by cutting trees, building ugly hotels (most of them without enough tourists) around seashore destroying nature there , too, etc. , where gold mines are ruled by Canadian companies which give in return... 0.75% (yes!) from what they declare to have mined, where American electrical power plants have signed a contract decade ago (obviously by bribing our politicians like other countries did, too) which guarantees those US power plants 2-3 times higher prices than old power plants for produced and even non-produced electricity that is fed to the electricity network, where russians are monopolist owners of petrol fuel industry in the same way, etc., all this and many more of this reality makes me and many people pessimists and we are always prepared for "The Glass is completely Empty" and even worse!

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

You know gsmcten,
living in a country with shitty government like bulgaria where mafia rules with support by EU and US, where (in bulgaria) government steals billions of EUR from private bank accounts (this happened again for example last year from one bank ), where nature is completely destroyed by cutting trees, building ugly hotels (most of them without enough tourists) around seashore destroying nature there , too, etc. , where gold mines are ruled by Canadian companies which give in return... 0.75% (yes!) from what they declare to have mined, where American electrical power plants have signed a contract decade ago (obviously by bribing our politicians like other countries did, too) which guarantees those US power plants 2-3 times higher prices than old power plants for produced and even non-produced electricity that is fed to the electricity network, where russians are monopolist owners of petrol fuel industry in the same way, etc., all this and many more of this reality makes me and many people pessimists and we are always prepared for "The Glass is completely Empty" and even worse!

You have NO IDEA what you have just done.

Zan8675, speedyG, read this!

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

Georgel Wrote:
You know gsmcten,
living in a country with shitty government like Bulgaria where mafia rules with support by EU and US, where (in Bulgaria) government steals billions of EUR from private bank accounts (this happened again for example last year from one bank ), where nature is completely destroyed by cutting trees, building ugly hotels (most of them without enough tourists) around seashore destroying nature there , too, etc. , where gold mines are ruled by Canadian companies which give in return... 0.75% (yes!) from what they declare to have mined, where American electrical power plants have signed a contract decade ago (obviously by bribing our politicians like other countries did, too) which guarantees those US power plants 2-3 times higher prices than old power plants for produced and even non-produced electricity that is fed to the electricity network, where Russians are monopolist owners of petrol fuel industry in the same way, etc., all this and many more of this reality makes me and many people pessimists and we are always prepared for "The Glass is completely Empty" and even worse!

You know Georgel, all of that may, or may not be true.
That does not mean that you have to bring all of that into this forum.

This community consists of folks from all sorts of countries, with all sorts of backgrounds, and all levels of expertise.
We all try to bring something positive to the table, and try to help each other when we can.

Just maybe you should take that into consideration.

Steven Smile

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

You just asked, Steven, or should I call you gsmcten?! Insanitor, what have I done?! I expressed an opinion freely, is it so uncommon in your society/country? ...Back to the topic - apparently the contest was much more about photography than about retro computers Wink Composition, right to left, dark, light, contrast, etc...

macnoyd's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

In other venues, we call this trolling.
Nothing in georgel's rant has anything to do with Apple ][ or the contest.
I would suggest taking it to another site.

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

Insanitor, what have I done?! I expressed an opinion freely, is it so uncommon in your society/country?

In my country those who are smart can freely express their opinions to the right people without exposing themselves to scrutiny.

I believe that you have made a tactical error. In giving your opinions on these various issues, you have made it possible for the opening of Pandora's Box.

If you do not reply to my post or edit yours or if this thread is not deleted, then it shall be the window.

Now, if you are the genius you claim to be, then you can discern what I meant.

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

I've never claimed I am a genius! There is a saying (rough translation) - "A spoken word (is like a) thrown stone..", I see no point in deleting anything.

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

So you did not claim to be a genius but your condescending attitude says otherwise.

But there's more about you that we know now!!!

A whole lot more...

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

Had you asked earlier I would have told you Wink I am flattered you are interested in me Wink You don't have to be a car manufacturer or engineer in order to know or understand that a given car is bad, so your conclusions about my self estimation based on my messages here are imaginary.

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

Had you asked earlier I would have told you Wink I am flattered you are interested in me Wink You don't have to be a car manufacturer or engineer in order to know or understand that a given car is bad, so your conclusions about my self estimation based on my messages here are imaginary.

Your trying to turn this around will not succeed.

Since you were not smart enough to understand what I meant, I must explain it to you.

Your quote: "A spoken word is like a thrown stone."

My quote: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

Sun Tzu

Now you know why I said that you have made a tactical error.

You should never have said:

living in a country with shitty government like bulgaria where mafia rules with support by EU and US, where (in bulgaria) government steals billions of EUR from private bank accounts (this happened again for example last year from one bank ), where nature is completely destroyed by cutting trees, building ugly hotels (most of them without enough tourists) around seashore destroying nature there , too, etc. , where gold mines are ruled by Canadian companies which give in return... 0.75% (yes!) from what they declare to have mined, where American electrical power plants have signed a contract decade ago (obviously by bribing our politicians like other countries did, too) which guarantees those US power plants 2-3 times higher prices than old power plants for produced and even non-produced electricity that is fed to the electricity network, where russians are monopolist owners of petrol fuel industry in the same way, etc., all this and many more of this reality makes me and many people pessimists and we are always prepared for "The Glass is completely Empty" and even worse!

Poor little georgel. He's trapped inside a crappy country that has all but ignored him. No matter how loud he shouts, nobody listens. No wonder why he's always so angry.

So he takes out all of his misguided aggression on an internet forum.

Self-esteem issues?

The clock is ticking. Run while you can. Smile

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

I like the picture of the wife looking pissed because the guy is still on the computer. Saw that look on my mom's face over 30 years ago and my wife's face 5 minutes ago. Smile

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

I am not trapped in my country, not at all Wink I hate what big countries like yours are doing with my country! I would say that again if I have to and you have no balls to say something like this. Being a pilot I fly a lot and have been around many places Wink But to you zan, I can say (because I don't care too much about you and your opinion) you don't know how much you don't know and that's (maybe) your problem Wink

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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

I am not trapped in my country, not at all Wink I hate what big countries like yours are doing with my country! I would say that again if I have to and you have no balls to say something like this. Being a pilot I fly a lot and have been around many places Wink But to you zan, I can say (because I don't care too much about you and your opinion) you don't know how much you don't know and that's (maybe) your problem ;)

Thank you Georgy for proving my point in previous threads. Not only have I not commented to you or about anything you have posted in this thread, but have only commented about the actual topic of this thread. The fact that you felt it necessary to call me out when I have not even responded to you here in this thread only proves just how much of an (edited for content by the author!) you really are. I have no problems calling you out whether you live locally or live in another part of the world. The term "as***ole knows no racial or geographical boundries, and you have proven that point time and again.

CWJ_Wilko's picture
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Re: Retro Apple II Photo Contest - win an Uthernet II

So... I guess all this piss and vitriol means that's the last competition for a while?

Move on guys.

Many thanks to Dog Cow and a2retrosystems for setting this competition up in the first place, and congratulations to the winners. Great photos in that gallery!


Topic locked