Request for assistance with IIgs' sound set-up

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Request for assistance with IIgs' sound set-up

Hey AppleFritter Folks,

-- Through trying to use music creation software noted specifically as having been written for the IIgs, I've been encountering a sound output problem with my IIgs, ROM 3 CPU.

-- Essentially, depending upon (either the source -- [I can't distinguish for sure the use of a 3.5" disk; 5.25" disk; or hard drive as non-variables], or content [the specific music creation software being used]), the IIgs sends its sound output either *only* through the stereo spit-sound-enabling Mockingboard that I have inserted in motherboard slot 4 (which has worked fine previously in this same IIgs, without my having encountered a sound-output application that hasn't worked through this same Mockingboard configuration), or *only* as 2 identical mono sound signals to the left and right attached speaker through the IIgs' standard CPU 3.5 mm Sony Walkman-style earphone jack (at the far left of the back of the CPU's casing).

-- I originally pulled this Mockingboard-brand Mockingboard (manufactured circa 1986) from my original Apple IIe Enhanced (also from circa 1986), and installed it in slot 4 of the IIgs.

-- The Mockingboard Card itself has on it left and right adjustable left and right (stereo split-sound) volume control knobs on it, as well as a single 3.5 mm jack (identical in dimensions to the built-in earphone jack described above) into which I've inserted and threaded through the back of the IIgs' casing an appropriate wire (3.5 mm male on output side, spliting to red & white component-style speaker plugs for the externally-connected left and right speakers (when enabled through the Mockingboard, each to transmit a separate from the other, stereo, split-sound).

Troubleshooting I've Tried:

-- The Mockingboard card is inserted securely;

-- Both volume knobs have their respective mid-point grooves lined up to insure 2 identical-in-medium-volume, sound outputs;

-- The 3.5 mm side of the above-described wire is securely clicked into its intended port on the Mockingboard;

-- I've double-checked within the Control Panels Menu that the Volume and Pitch both are set with asterisks placed somewhere toward the middle of their respective continuum lines.

-- I've experimented within the Control Panels Menu with changing the Slot designations, but I haven't found anything that works better than its current slot settings, which are:

Slot 1: AppleTalk (other selectable choices: Modem; Printer with a check mark - [I don't know what the presence or absence of an accompanying check mark means]; and Your Card.)

Slot 2: Your Card (other selectable choices: AppleTalk generating warning that only 1 slot can be assigned to AppleTalk; Printer; and Modem with a check mark.)

Slot 3: Built-in Text Display (has check mark)

Slot 4: Your Card (where the Mockingboard currently is inserted -- other selectable choice: Mouse [with a check mark].)

Slot 5: Smart Port (has check mark) (Other selectable choice: Your Card [and the checkmark disappears])

Slot 6: Disk Port (has check mark)

Slot 7: Your Card (has check mark) (Other selectable choice: AppleTalk [and the checkmark disappears])

-- I've tried setting the StartUp to Slot 5 (a 5.25" Drive); Slot 6 (a 3.5" Drive); and Slot 2 (External Hard Drive -- I usually had been leaving the StartUp on Slot 2, so that GS/OS 6.0.1 automatically would load upon powering the CPU).

-- I've tried changing the System Speed from "Fast" to "Normal" and back. Adjusting this variable has not clearly helped anything.

-- This information may hold the key, but I need to ask your assistance in interpreting its meaning, and in defining what it implies needs to be done to fix this IIgs audio output problem:

-- My original Music Construction Set software on a 5.25" disk purchased new in 1986 for my 1986 //e Enhanced, (concurrent with purchasing for that 1986 //e Enhanced's now-IIgs-Slot-4-Inserted Mockingboard), loads immediately when I turn on the IIgs' CPU power (assuming Slot 6 previously was selected as the StartUp Slot).

-- This //e Enhanced version of MCS sends its sound output through the IIgs Slot 4-installed Mockingboard, creating a true stereo split-sound output between the external left and right speakers.

-- My newly-purchased Music Construction Set software on a 3.5" disk, specifically, labeled as for the IIgs, loads immediately when I turn on the IIgs' CPU power (assuming Slot 5 previously was selected as the StartUp Slot). However, depending upon (I think the System Speed that previously was selected -- ironically, given it IIgs-specific designation, I believe it works only with the retro speed setting of "Normal"; loading only to a still frame of musical bars when the IIgs is in the "Fast" setting.

-- But even when function under a "Normal" speed setting, although the default demonstration song loop begins, as perceived by the notes continuously moving by on the monitor, the only sound output that it offers is mono sound, and only through the non-Mockingboard earphone port at the CPU's back left side.

-- An apparently even more advanced music synthesizer program that I have installed on the IIgs' hard drive, and that is accessible only through the GS/OS 6.0.1 GUI, displays this same limitation of producing only mono sound, fed only through the non-Mockingboard earphone port at the CPU's back left side.

-- So my goal is, if possible, to merge all of the IIgs' sound output, irrespective of whether I'm using a IIgs-specifically written program or an older //e program, all into the Slot 4-installed Mockingboard, so that (1) I can utilize the otherwise unavailable stereo split-sound through the 2 external speakers, and (2) I don't need to switch, depending upon the particular program, between a Mockingboard-looped sound output wire configuration and a mono earphone jack non-Mockingboard-looped sound output wire configuration.

-- Would switching the (built for the //e Enhanced) Mockingboard Card to a Slot other than its current IIgs ROM 3 Slot 4 help (assuming the slot is available)?

-- Is this problem an unavoidable effect of using a //e Enhanced-intended Mockingboard in a IIgs?

-- Would changing the IIgs' perceived slot designations (listed above) of Slot 4 (or any of the other 7 slots listed in the Control Panel Menu, and accessible also via a GS/OS 6.0.1 Menu) -- which, as I'm sure you know, in most cases don't reflect the actual insertion of any physical cards in those 7 slots -- but rather, with basic peripherals connected directly via plug-and-play, reflect some sort of hybrid nod/necessary configuration syncing? to the older Apple IIs' requirement that physical cards actually be inserted as initiation connection points for basic peripherals, (which the IIgs mimics with some sort of virtual reality perception, so true in detail to its older-II relatives that, for example, Slot 6 in particular is perceived as containing a 5.25" Disk Drive card, allowing connection of that peripheral/daisy chaining of 5.25" disk drives).

-- One other, potentially-useful observation: When, upon boot-up, I first allow GS/OS 6.0.1 to load, as soon as the loading process is complete (or maybe it's as soon as I then click with the mouse on the 3.5" disk icon on the desktop), a message is generated that the IIgs-specific Music Construction Set 3.5" Disk inserted in a Slot 5-designated 3.5" Drive, contains unusable/unrecognizable software, that requires that I go into a menu (that I still can't find!) which, apparently, will allow me to add to the GS/OS 6.0.1's memory banks DOS 3.0 -- which the IIgs in GS/OS 6.0.1 mode says it needs in order to run this IIgs-specific Music Construction Set software. (And, surprisingly, this is a IIgs-stated required for this IIgs-specifically-written version of Music Construction Set!)

Thanks, folks. I'd really appreciate any thoughts or instructions that you may have. I've systematically messed with every variable I could think of in attempt to fix this problem.

Best Regards -

magnusfalkirk's picture
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Re: Request for assistance with IIgs' sound set-up

I'm no expert, so take this with a VERY LARGE GRAIN OF SALT. My best guess is that your problem is you're using a sound card designed for the //e in the GS. I think you need to find a GS specific stereo card and your problem will be solved. Again that's my best guess, hopefully someone else will chime in and be more helpful than I have.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Request for assistance with IIgs' sound set-up

hello, the guess to the difference of the mockingboard eprom is correct ! The point is that the handling if the DMA and Interrupts changed rapidly between Apple//e , Apple //e enhanced and Apple IIGS with Rom 1 and ROM 3. That was result of the uprise of software using the mouse and graphical interface. In //e the Mouse support was poor and same was to the handling of DMA and support of Interrupts was very small. The upgrade to the //e enhanced forced the guys at Apple to expand the Interrupt and DMA handling with the result of the altered Erproms in the enhancement set. This caused a push or better move of the entrypoints in the rom - machinecode . adresses in a wide renge. The next move with the outcome of the IIGS Rom 1 was smaller not to say nearly similar and the next upgrade to the ROM 3 version forced again a larger movement of the entrypoints. So I assume that the adressing of the mockingboard and the related software was determined for the //e and therefor the software misses in the entrypoints of its routines the correct entrypoints of the ROMs in the other configurations. The second point was that the IIGS was in the builtin sound rather noisy and buggy - due to ground loops in the layout of the mainbord. Apple messed around a lot with that prolem and the TEC-DOCs are cropped with guesses to solve that problem - but it never realy solved it. So using the mockingboard in the IIGS is only satisfying under the following conditions: The mockingboard has correct line out for IIGS and correct software version for IIGS corresponding with the correct ROM version ( 1 or 3 ) and only using the expanded internal sound connector - but not using the rear sound jacks - you should only use the sound jacks from the mocking board ! Some of that is only difficult to alter to another version - but at least the software might be modified to operate correct by trouhbleshooting the routines with a dissassemler ( identifiying the target adresses of jumps within the code and comparing them with the disassemled routines published in various books ) and altering that targetadresses with the help of an sectoreditor on the copy from the original software disk..... or the silent resignation to the facts and setting the mockingboard back to the formerplace where it did its job correct.... and looking for a mockingboard in the version that is determined from the beginning for the IIGS and delivered with the correct version of the software.

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