Printer/Driver compatibility

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woogie's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 267
Printer/Driver compatibility

Hi! Been out of the loop for a LONG time now!
Thus the "stupid" question..

Is there any software patch or code that I
can utilize to link my HP inkjet printer to
my Apple //e system? I can no longer find
cartridges for my Apple ribbon printer, and
I would love to be able to print data that I
have stored on my Apple.

If any of you all can help, thank you!

PS...It's good to be back!

woogie's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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Posts: 267
Re: Printer/Driver compatibility


I'm using an enhanced Apple //e

HP 1000 Printer.

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Re: Printer/Driver compatibility

What type of interface(s) are on this printer?

woogie's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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Re: Printer/Driver compatibility

RE: Interfaces

I can either use the standard pringer cable
(would rather do this with the Apple) or USB
(which is how I have it connected to my PC).

Does that help?

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: Printer/Driver compatibility

It's been a very, very long time since I've had to do any printing on an Apple II, but I suspect that something like a Grappler card connected to the parallel port on the printer ought to do the job. Back in the day, that's how I had my Apple IIc firing out pages to an Epson dot matrix.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Printer/Driver compatibility

just to metion beside...
several dealers still offer printer ribbons by ebay and several are listed by search at google....
most inkjet printers ( up to the factory-year of 2002 ) permit to be setup in an "epson-emulation" mode and perform printing to be executed like to an Epson FX80 - so it would be a good idea to consult the printer manual ... probably some switches might be set to call that emulation - or the software on a utility disk probably might enable the emulation... and then just use the printer like a standard dot-matrix printer....
it will be preferable to use the centronics parallel interface at the IIe because that was the most common supported port to printers in those days and therefor most softwarepackages supported that kind of printing...
and just up to the dotmatrix-printer ... : looking at google with a little time should also show up with some dealers that still sell endless-paper as used in the epsonprinters in 8 inch x 12 inch or 11 inch standard format...

and as "last chance" there are some instruction to "reink" old printer ribbons - let them dry a little bit and then reuse the printing ribbons.... usualy the "reink" process is executed by using ink from stampingink.

woogie's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 267
Re: Printer/Driver compatibility

Wasn't really sure (but was hoping) about that
emulation thing. Makes logical sense. I will give
it a shot. My AppleWorks software does have the
Epson MX80 driver already on it. YAY!

I already have a Grappler card installed in my
machine so that is good. Just was curious about
the driver more than anything. Hardware is not a

Thanks for the prompt respnse! Will do this project
after Christmas and let you all know how it comes

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