Prepare the TI Sockets before install?

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Joined: Dec 7 2017 - 17:53
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Prepare the TI Sockets before install?
Image icon TI Socket 1.jpg2.66 MB
Image icon TI Socket 2.jpg2.37 MB
Image icon TI Socket 3.jpg2.24 MB

Hello Applefritter Forum,

im almost to the point where i will start to solder in the TI Sockets for my Apple 1 Replica.

Everyone knows that these Sockets have sometimes contact problems.
So i'm wondering if you guys "did" something to your Sockets before you install them?
Like put them over night in acetic acid or something like this.
Just to remove the oxidation on the pins for (maybe) better contact.
Or maybe even goldplatet them?

The reason is that my Sockets are slightly tarnish (Sorry don't know if this is the right word).
You can have a look on the pictures.

I'm also wondering if the pins are coated or just raw copper?

Thanks for your help!

Best Regards, Josua

PINKBOY1006's picture
Last seen: 1 week 2 days ago
Joined: Jul 9 2016 - 17:27
Posts: 128
So i've never built a apple I

So i've never built a apple I however I have a wealth of electronics experience. Yes what you see on the pins there is tarnish (and yes you used the work correctly) however the flux in the solder should clean that right off once the solder melts. And be sure to use some good quality leaded solder like this,, it sticks and flows much much better on the PCB and pins. and if you need or want to use some external flux use this stuff (this one you will have to find in your country its not shippable internationally). and the making contact part, the only thing that you can do is get some Deoxit and spray it in the holes the the pins go into and then insert the chip and it should clean it enough to have a reliable connection. and that's pretty much it.

Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 7 2017 - 17:53
Posts: 1
Hello PinkBoy,

Hello PinkBoy,

thanks for your answer Smile

Yeah i have less worries about the solder joint.
More about the connection between the socket and the IC.

I have 60/40 solder and also external flux, so this is not the problem. But thanks for the info.

I have some type contact cleaner from "Kontakt Chemie". But this is maybe not the worst idea to use this.
Maybe i will setup a test were i will spray a TI Socket and let it soak in for a time and clean it with alcohol.

And than i can compare if there is a differnce.


Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: Oct 9 2011 - 12:54
Posts: 1353
Dont soak the sockets in

Dont soak the sockets in acetic acid.... you will ruin them.

As everyone said... just solder them in, don't use no-flux/no-clean solder. it flows terribly on this old stuff. The removing and inserting of the chips into the socket should clean up the internal contacts well enough as long as your chip's legs aren't tarnished very badly.

Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 7 2017 - 17:53
Posts: 1
Ok then i will leave it like

Ok then i will leave it like it is and just check the solder if it flow nicely on the Socket.

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