I finally finished the Android version of Pom1 after a lot of hard work. I made it available for free and it should work on most phones and tablets. I made it compatible for Android 2.2+. I'm sure a lot of Applefritter members own an iPhone, since this is an Apple related site after all, and would like to see a version it. I would never have been able to publish it for the iPhone since emulators seem to not be allowed, let alone an Apple one, by Apple's draconian rules. I'm sure jailbreaking would be an option, but I did not want to waste my time and I also do not want to touch Objective-C. Anyway, if you do own an Android, which I insist you do if not, then Pom1 is available at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.emu.pom1 or can be found using the Google Play app.
Pom1 Now Available For Android
July 8, 2012 - 11:51am
Pom1 Now Available For Android
I forgot to mention that I will release the source code as soon as possible.
Wow, this is great! Thanks for your contribution. I just wanted to mention that for iPhone and iPad there are some emulators, and there is one for apple II/GS called ActiveGS, it is not in the app store but you can download it directly from their site and drop it on iTunes to install it, no jailbreak is needed.
Hope this helps.
You'll have to forgive me as I'm relatively new to this site, but I joined it with the impression that it was a site about and for the discussion of Apple products.
What has an emulator that runs on the Android platform got anything to do with Apple products?
Cool! Just downloaded this - excited to try it out.
It is an emulator that emulates the Apple 1, so it is relevant.
How does that work? I thought all apps not HTML5 on iOS must be signed by Apple? If that is true there is hope for a lot of vintage computer apps Apple won't approve for various reasons. Seriously I thought you needed to jailbreak (which I won't do on my phone since I need it to work all the time and have to be able to blame someone like apple when it crashes).
How so? It emulates it on Android! Who gives a stuff about Android? Android is iOS's competitor in the mobile device OS market.
This is like someone saying hey, I've developed an emulator to run Apple I on a windows machine? Who an earth would want to do that?
As I said, it's probably me, because I just don't get it at all.
Apple 1 (Windows) emulators exist, (MESS, Agat, Pom1 for Windows) and are relevant for people like me that own a Windows machine that cannot emulate a Apple 1 any other way. I am far from being a Apple 1 guru, but I've learned a lot about the Apple 1 through said emulators.
Spicey, I think it's only you, no offense intended. I love emulators and doesn't matter which platform you use, you can always have that fuzzy feeling of using your nice apple I or II. I admire the people that create them and support them 100%. As an Apple Fan since the Apple IIc, I love Apple products but have to use other platforms once in a while, and is a good way to compare and love the Apple experience.
As far as I know, the Apple Store is not the only via to install Apps on the iPhone. Many companies, mine included, develop custom Apps that only work for internal systems, and are installed and signed through the local network.
Apple has to sign commercial Apps, but there are lots of non commercial specialized Apps that work just like that.
Contrary to you I have all my iOS devices Jailbroken, and never had issues. But it may only be me.