PLS play test my Apple ][ game

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PLS play test my Apple ][ game
File disks.rar73.68 KB

Hi there,

Some of you may remember some time ago I mentioned I was creating a text based game in Applesoft. Well, Ta-Da! The main engine is finished. I'm hoping many of you will enjoy play testing this retro '82 experience. I am aware of a few 'bugs'. Back in the day they were bugs and not glitches, but, meh.

There are a few things to get you running this smoothly. First, it must be run in 80 columns. I use Beagle Bros Beagle Graphics (set to DHGR), but did not include it in the attached Rar file for copyright gray areas. Or, grey, if you like. On that note, if anyone can tell me how to 'bload/brun' Beagles' HDGR as part of my Hello program that would be great. I knew how to do it when I was 14...

There are two disks: CASTLE disk and QUEST disk. I run them in AppleWin, starting with CASTLE in drive 1 and QUEST in drive 2 and swap them as instructed during game play. Get your emulator into 80 columns, and run 'Hello' on the castle disk.

If you get into any superhuge issues with characters/save slots there is a program called 'Character Creator' on the castle disk. At the moment it's more of a character re-setter-er (nice palindrome). It will reset any save slot to a basic human warrior with mediocre stats - but the point being whatever was wrong with that particular save slot is now fixed and you can create a new character (sorry about your old one).

Please, if you find a bug in the game it would be great if you could actually post here, or message me and type exactly what happened:
Syntax Error in line 2010 when visiting the Guild.
Purchased 'XXXXXX" but it did not appear in my inventory although the gold did subtract.
My HP kept going up when I did XXXXX and is now 10 times greater than my MAX (lucky you).
and so on....

Lastly, I'm trying to include graphics. I annoyed the hell out of B.Buckels before I remembered that I had tried to use his software. But!!! For some reason my AppleWin does not support Prodos. I've looked for a solution online. Does anybody know of an AppleWin that does work with Prodos or how I can get Prodos to run offline in Win7? That would be great.

Lastly, the game only has one playable Quest - being the first one. And, why people seem to go straight for the quest before visiting the armoury I will never understand Shok

Well, enough rambling. Hope you enjoy.

MarkO's picture
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Re: PLS play test my Apple ][ game

Hi there,

<< BIG SNIP >>

Lastly, I'm trying to include graphics. I annoyed the hell out of B.Buckels before I remembered that I had tried to use his software. But!!! For some reason my AppleWin does not support Prodos. I've looked for a solution online. Does anybody know of an AppleWin that does work with Prodos or how I can get Prodos to run offline in Win7? That would be great.

<< SNIP >>

Well, enough rambling. Hope you enjoy.

I am giving it a try....

AppleWin does ProDOS Just Fine.. Make Sure if your Running ProDOS v2.x.x, you have the Computer Type as an Enhanced //e..

Some Screen Shots would be nice, to know if it is displaying correctly...

When Confirming my Details, why do I have :
9 Power

On the Screen???

A Way to clear the Screen would be helpful after joining a Guild. The Boost Abilities Screen is very messy...


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Re: PLS play test my Apple ][ game

According to

"This Website Produced by A.P.P.L.E. All of the logos in this web site are copyright of their owners. All software items herein have been declared as freeware by their copyright owners and as such, no guarantee is made concerning their use. All copyrights of the software are retained by their original authors. This site exists through the kindness and the generosity of the authors noted. "

I would think you can bundle Beagle Bros Beagle Graphics with your game...

Also, the Beagle Graphics Disk for DOS 3.3 has ProntoDOS on it.. Use this to Speed Up Disk Access...

I added Line 15 to your HELLO Program on the CASTLE DISK, after copying the DHGR File to it from the Beagle Graphics Disk:


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Re: PLS play test my Apple ][ game

Thanks for the feedback, Mark O.

*jots down notes*

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Re: PLS play test my Apple ][ game

Thanks for the feedback, Mark O.

*jots down notes*

Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
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Re: PLS play test my Apple ][ game

Hi, I've addressed the issues raised and must say I am happier for it. Thanks.

PLS note- that in play testing this recently I noticed that the combat rolls are still visible in The Area. Meh, it's not really important. They will go eventually. They are there so I can check my combat engine is balanced and works well. I need to see those figures.

But, I'll explain:
Opponents in the Arena are selected from a small group based on character level. Each has minor variances in their skills. Attack order is generated from a few statistics of both Enemy and Player and an individual random roll for each.

xx / yy

xx / yy

xx is the attack role of the entity (again, statistic values + random number).
yy represents the defense against the attack (as above).
If xx > yy then the attack hits.

Needless to say the higher your stats/bonuses/equipment are the greater your chance of swinging first, hitting your opponent and avoiding being hit.

I'm aiming to create a player vs player eventually.

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Re: PLS play test my Apple ][ game

So you have Updated the Disk Images in your .RAR File???

I will give it another Try....


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This is a really nice engine you have here. I normally don't care for RPG kinds of games like Final Fantasy and the like, but this is well-documented, so it works for me. I like that you stayed with BASIC modules and DOS 3.3. I think this is all you need, especially since most testers will be using this in an emulator. (I haven't sent it to a real Apple.) Many emulators have a "fast DOS" and "accurate DOS" modes; I use the fast DOS mode for games, of course. (I think these modes have to do with intercepting some read/write routines.)

The one error I got was the B)unkhouse: UNDEF'D STATEMENT ERROR IN 1150, in which it appears to open the CHAR2 file.

Since I'm using Character Slot 1, maybe this line is referencing the wrong character file?

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Re: PLS play test my Apple ][ game

So any further developments with Castle & Quest?

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