Dear friends,
since some of you are building Replicas, I thought to integrate in the ROM-PACK for the Apple-1 Juke-Box board the well-known RAM TEST by Mike Willegal.
It will certainly come in handy, trust me... ;-)
The code has been relocated to be executable directly from the ROM and is therefore immediately available without typing it nor loading it from other media.
It is also possible to test more RAM in the $0 block, as the program now resides in a different location.
The instructions for using the program are inside the ZIP file containing the 2 Mbit (256 kB) ROM image, available here:
(ROM-PACK version 2021-7-25)
And also:
- DRAM Challenge: Uncle Bernie's program to test deeply the 4 kB of RAM in the $E bank.
- Codebreaker: Uncle Bernie's game, similar to the traditional Codebreaker, but the program will also try to discover your secret code! No cheating...!
More info in the changelog files.
Enjoy! :-)
Claudio - P-LAB
Hello Claudio,Thanks very much! that sounds good.I have to admit, I have never worked with your Flash Prom and never installed the EEprom28cxx.Are your new files now ready to rewrite the built-in 29c020 flash?Does that work with a "normal" Eprom burner like TTL866?I have 29c040 here to test (and the bridge is already attached to the back of the jukebox. Thank you very much
Yes, new files are for 29c020.
If you plan to use a 29c040 (that should work as well) remember to copy the ROM.BIN twice in order to have a 512 kB file.
The golden rule here is to never leave blank portions in the Flash/*ROM/whatever, or the Program Manager might hang.
TL866 is perfect, I use it often as well.
I suggest you also to make a backup of the 29c020, just in case of unexpected problems... ;-)
Let me know how it goes!
Have a nice day,
I'd be quite interested on this, but I don't have a ROM programmer, so I wonder if anyone is selling this, as a kit... or maybe also fully assembled, although I'd prefer the kit and enjoy putting it together.
If the newer TL866-II+ works for this, those are readily available for well under $100. A programmer is a great thing to have.
Hi all,
absolutely yes, TL866-II+ is fine.
(I already answered pfuentes69, privately)
Thank you all,
Claudio - P-LAB
Yes, I think I'd end up by having a programmer, although I don't see the gerbers or BOM for this project, so I understand is not open source...
In any case, for the short term Claudio gave me a possible solution.
For the sake of clarity: the project is not open source... :-)
It comes fully assembled/tested and with a ready-to-use Flash, programmed with the latest ROM revision.
From time to time it may happen that one or more "nice-to-have" interesting programs are developed, hence the updates called ROMPACK.
However, it is always possible to create your own ROMPACKs following the instructions and scripts published on the project page:
Enjoy! :-)