I have a question about burning Eproms. I have a GQ USB programmer for my PC. I want to burn two binary files onto a 2732 Eprom. I was told you have to adjust whats called a
" OFFSET " setting? I tried loading a binary file which worked fine . But when I loaded the second binary file into memory it pretty much erased what I had already loaded before.
Maybe I'm missing a step here and someone in this forum who understands how to do this can better explain how to acomplish this task.
The main reson for doing this is to be able to switch between a Auto Start F-8 To a Non
Auto Start F-8 . Just something I liked to do years ago when tinkering with the 6502 lang.
So if anyone can help that would be awesome.
Setting an offset lets you continue to write to the eprom from after the point you've previously written to. For example, say your rom is 16K and your two files are 8K each. You write the first one normally, then the second one you'd enter an offset of 8K in hexidecimal format.
The closest I've come to having to do this...well, I cheated. Since the two files I was burning were exactly half the size of the eprom like in the example above, I used a hex editor to stick them together, and burned the resulting larger file in one pass. They key there is the first file has to end exactly where the second one is to begin, or the second file won't be burned at the correct address.
You can also use the cat command in OS X to join files together:
cat (original file) >> (new filename)
...where original file and subsequent parts to join have the same filename, with a numerically increasing extension eg. .001, .002, etc.
Some similar info...