I'm new here, and I just bought a Monitor III for my Apple IIe. I currently don't have a composite video cable, so I can't connect the two. But when I plugged the monitor in and turned it on, I got a green screen with black lines moving upward. Is this normal? Last I checked, I should be seeing a solid green screen.
I'd appreciate your help. I only have about 108 minutes to get this issue fixed.
..You must not seen ANY LINEs
when monitor HAVE NOT video signal !
the monitor is not in good condition i think
when monitor /any CRT tube/ is w/o signla
u must push on max /brightnes and contrast/
and after push POWER ON
1. must NOT see any lines /vertical or orizontal../
2. must not see any changes on screen like ..more ..brightness .. screen must be same like.. if is POWER OFF
3. if all is RIGHT after U push POWER OFF.. must not see any LINE /horizontal..or vertikal.. who disapear in DOT..
i hpoe.. this is usefull for U ..and i hope. U /.understand my poor english
connect that composite cable and give it a try. The symptom you describe could be that the Vertical Hold signal for the monitor just needs adjusting. There should be a small adjustment dial for that on the back of the monitor. However, it will be much easier to dial in once there is a video signal going to it.
BTW you don't really need to enter the 42 in the number sequence, it was just a tribute to Douglas Adams. Also, Dharma didn't issue ][e's only ][+'s.
Mutant Pie
You got me, brotha. I left the Island several years ago, but I kept having this withdrawal issue with "saving the world." For now, I've managed to get my hands on an Apple IIe. Until I find a decent Apple II Plus, this will have to do.
P.S. Thanks for the help - both of you.
ACTUALLY..... Dharma used a 1978 apple ][ clone.....
FYI a composite cable is nothing special, just a shielded cable with RCA connectors. Borrow some RCA cables from your stereo components to see if your monitor works.
composite video cable:
RCA audio cables: