I am (semi) new to the Apple II world. Growing up I was a Commdore 64 user. I got my first C64 in about 1983 and used it until around 1992. I used Apple II's at school though, taking programming courses and using the schools Apple II with a modem to call loacl BBS's.
I have been in a retro computing mood lately and bought an Apple IIgs with drives, monitor, memory expansion and went off and got a CFFA3000 and some other gear for it. I was wondering about modems though. There are still a few live phone BBS's out there and so I would like to get a modem for the IIgs. Correct me if I am wrong as I dont know much about Apple II's yet. The Apple IIgs has a rear serial port so instead of looking for a (rare it seems) internal Apple II modem, cant I just get an external serial modem and a proper cable and use that?
Thanks for the help!
David Culp
At the risk of over-generalizing, I think that all of the internal Apple modems that you will find will be old and slow.
You will be much better off with an external modem like a nice US Robotics or similar that will connect to the IIgs RS-232 serial port.
Thanks! That is what I thought, like I said, I am (semi) new to the Apple II but not to computers/tech in general. After searching for an internal modem and only coming up with 300 baud models at crazy prices I thought "wait, doesnt the IIgs have an external serial port, why cant I use a standard external modem?"
I may even have an old 9600 modem laying around in storage somewhere.
Just checking, is this the cable I would need to go from the IIgs to the back of the modem: http://www.amazon.com/Grey-Apple-Hayes-Modem-Cable/dp/B0081SEAIQ
Its says IIe cable but is there a difference in pinouts between the IIe and IIgs DIN serial connector?
EDIT: Just answered my own question, it wont work as the IIe card has a different connector.
Ok, THIS looks like what I need: http://www.pimfg.com/Product-Detail/8CH-0506-551
Nope, that won't work for a GS - it's got a DIN5 (i.e. IIc) connector on it. This is closer:
It has a MiniDIN8 that you need. No telling what the pinout is, since they don't share any details - but for 2$ plus shipping, it might be a gamble worth taking.
If I were you, I'd get the manual for your modem, and read what kind of cable it recommends. On the IIgs-side, it's got to be mini-DIN 8, but also you'll want to know if it should be a straight-through cable or modem-eliminator cable.
just a mention besides...:
in former days the most users used terminalprograms like Xterm or kermit and this programs work with C/PM ....
so probably it would be usefull to checkout for a Z80 card if you don´t have one....
and of course download the masterdisks for CP/M from asimov...
sincerely speedyG
Somewhat echoing what Speedy wrote, you'll need a terminal program. I recommend ProTerm. Although it was created for the 8-bit Apple ][ line, it was pretty advanced/decent for it's day.
I think the internal modems for Apple IIs top out at 2400. 14.4/28.8/56k externals can be had for 5 or 10 bucks from surplus shops. I think I dug out an USR v.everything from company recycle bin a few months ago... ProTerm I think has been released as freeware, so no copyright worries (if you care about such things.)
You can download ProTerm 3.1 here: http://macgui.com/downloads/?file_id=2089
It uses a mouse and menus.