Just dropping in to check if anyone has any of these chips. I see them come up occasionally on Alibaba, but they never respond and they are probably fake anyway. I'd like to get my II+ keyboard working again, but not willing to pay LittleDiode prices, since I could get another II+ for that kind of money.
If anyone has any or has made a work-alike, I'd appreciate it!
They are rare. I recall buying a couple of these from eBay slightly cheaper than from LittleDiode. Think it was from France. They had more chips available and seem to put them up on eBay now and then.
I don't know if there are other replacements, never heard of any.
I've got two working ones. I have no idea what littlediode charges but I'm sure I can do better!
Where are you located?
PM me.
FYI: I had problems with my little diode encoders. They actually were marked correctly but weren't encoded right. I bought them as spares so I know my keyboard worked.
Now here is an interesting fact. the AAF ones work in early Datanetics keyboards but not in later ones. Anything Rev-4 or higher (pre Apple II KB) they don't work as a substitute, but earlier, like Mike Willegal's replica datanetics they do. On the Apple II keyboard, only the AAE works.
Weird right? Well I think the circuit is changed enough on the later keyboards that the roll over prevents it from working.