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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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In the past, in france there was a system in france

composed of:

a kind of special language card with the mem/dos system in eprom
a hard disk controller for cynthia D140 hard disks
a cynthia d140 hard disk

there was also a multiuser version with:

a network board in the station
a network board in the server (the server was named mem/16 (up to 16 stations)

the software exists (floppy disks)
but is there any refernce to the content of eproms / schématics of the board

I'm looking for the mem/dos board
or at least the eprom content + schematics to rebuild one

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Was all of this for an Apple II?

Steven Smile

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Was all of this for an Apple II?

Yes, it was. You can find pictures on the Apple II Documentation Project. The disk images and some documentation are available on Antoine's website.

There were many cards made by Memsoft. In which ones are you interested in ?

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I'm not sure if I'm interested in any particular one.
I didn't even know they existed.

I have the URLs to the sites so I can take a look.
I admit, even after 29 years I find out new things about Apple II equipment and software. lol

Steven Smile

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mem/dos was working both on apple II and commodore 8000

mem/dos supported keyed indexed files (less interesting that btrees but more intersting that standard raw files
it was mainly used for accounting / and all the managing tasks in a company

In apple documentation project:
MEMSOFT MEMDOS 2 is the network board

MEMSOFT MEMDOS 3 is probably just a dongle (never seen this board before)
MEMSOFT MEMDOS 4 is the standard board with 4k eproms (
MEMSOFT MEMDOS almost the same as MEMDOS 4 les eproms using 8k eproms.

on the card your can see: MICRO INFORMATIQUE SERVICE it was the name of the company who created MDOS
but as the name conflicted (probably with a motorola product) they changed the name of the product
and the company to MEMDOS for the product and MEMSOFT for the company

I'm interested by some schematics of either the MEMDOS or MEMDOS 4 card + the content of the eproms

apparenty brutaldeluxe web site contains the image of the floppy disk but not of the eproms

I would like to rebuild a board in a GODIL or a CRAIGNELL

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I spent many happy years programming in memdos on Apple IIe's during the 80's.
Even went on a memsoft course to Paris.
Mostly stock control / invoicing / general office apps, but also more interesting projects such as interfacing via an I/O board to shop floor machinery and displaying realtime graphics of shop floor performance.

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MEM/DOS poste rom content

do you have an image in intel hex or binary of the poste rom content ?


from 1981 to 1985 I was in charge of the D140 hard disk project for Procep (importator of commodore in france)

I was also doing the support of mem/dos for commodore as well as the build from the source for the commodore version

I developped the SCSI driver for the commodore 8000...


I have a few 6854 and would like to rebuild a board

the board in the station and the server is the same except that on the server there is a display of the active channel on a bar of leds....

the production mem/16 was a commodore 8032 in a black box :)

but in our prototype mem/16 we had an apple 2 hidden in the box  :)



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