Memory issue with Apple 2E?

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Joined: Jan 6 2022 - 15:48
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Memory issue with Apple 2E?

I was recently given an Apple 2e and an Apple 2GS, together with their monitors and 2 5.25 floppy drives for the 2e. I also have what I believe is the original software and manuals that came with the 2e. Using the manuals I got the 2e started and ran the self test. It immediately returned the word RAM and stopped running. After trying the test again I got the same error. I then put in the DOS 3.3 disk 1 and restarted, the drive appeared to go through the motions, but after several minutes there was still nothing on the screen so I did Command, Reset to stop the disk. At the screen prompt I typed CATALOG and it returned SYNTAX ERROR. I then typed RUN APPLEVISION and it returned UNDEF'D STATEMENT ERROR IN 65279.

Although  I have some user experience with modern Macs, I have absolutely none with the early Apples I have none with the early machines so would appreciate any help you could give.


Last seen: 5 days 4 hours ago
Joined: Aug 4 2015 - 14:30
Posts: 151
Faulty ram

It sounds like the IIe has faulty ram. The faulty ram ICs need to be replaced.

Otherwise the machine can't boot properly.

The self test should show more than just the word RAM.

Last seen: 6 days 21 hours ago
Joined: Apr 26 2016 - 08:36
Posts: 762
Definitley some RAM issues.

Definitley some RAM issues.


First try booting with the open apple key pressed.  That forces a wipe of the RAM on startup.  Sometimes that works.

Otherwise, get a IIe enhancement kit because the self-test included in it will allow you to more closely see which particular RAM chip is at fault.


On the other hand I'd probably just replace thw whole lot of the motherboard RAM.  Those chips are still cheap and plentiful.



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baldrick wrote:Definitley
baldrick wrote:

Definitley some RAM issues.


First try booting with the open apple key pressed.  That forces a wipe of the RAM on startup.  Sometimes that works.

Otherwise, get a IIe enhancement kit because the self-test included in it will allow you to more closely see which particular RAM chip is at fault.


On the other hand I'd probably just replace thw wh



It is a fair bit of work, and needs to be done carefully but socketing the RAM isn't a bad idea if you are going to be replacing any chips.


Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
Joined: Jan 6 2022 - 15:48
Posts: 2
Memory issue with Apple 2E?

Thanks all for your help,  I did try booting with the open Apple key pressed but nothing changed. I did try the self test again, but got the same result, just RAM: and nothing else. For now I'm getting an enhancement kit as suggested and take it from there.


thanks again

Last seen: 2 hours 8 min ago
Joined: Jun 5 2008 - 07:26
Posts: 479
I would run a memory test -

I would run a memory test - my 6502 memory test could be entered through the cassette interface if you convert the object to a sound file format or manually using the monitor.  I also have an alternate version on this page that checks the alternate bank of a IIc or IIe.



Mike Willegal


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