Mac SE/30 emulator for Mac OS X Mojave

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Joined: Dec 21 2013 - 20:49
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Mac SE/30 emulator for Mac OS X Mojave

Can anyone recommend a Mac SE/30 emulator that will run on a MacBook Pro running OS X Mojave? 

Last seen: 6 months 2 days ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 14:45
Posts: 219
emulating SE/30

To do what with it?

I use SheepShaver on HIgh Sierra to run Mac OS 9.02, on some items before I run them on my SE/30.

Last seen: 5 days 13 hours ago
Joined: Dec 21 2013 - 20:49
Posts: 121
Run Vintage Matlab

My SE/30 hard drive just failed with Matlab 3.5 and 4.0 on it. I wanted to try running Matlab on an emulator while I am trying to determine best way forward to replacing my SCSI hard drive.

Last seen: 6 months 2 days ago
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Posts: 219
How do you access the

How do you access the internet on your SE/30?

What version of System do you use?

I took a look at Matlab but it requires a download.

My Mac SE/30 is optimized for System 6, but I am experimenting with 7.5.3.

I use SheepShaver for emulation running OS 9.0.2.

Here is an article about using Sheepshaver:

Last seen: 5 days 13 hours ago
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Posts: 121
Running System 7.1 with no internet connection

I do not have a direct internet connection to my SE/30. I use a FloppyEmu to transfer disk images to my SE/30. I was running System 7.1 before my SCSI hard drive failed. I am looking for a SCSI2SD solution right now. I have some old Matlab 3.5 and 4.0 disks that I used to install on my SE/30. I'd like to know how to transfer application folders that I have downloaded from Macintosh Garden or other sites and install/move to my SE/30. 

Last seen: 6 months 2 days ago
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Posts: 219
Gotcha!I mount my micro-SD


I mount my micro-SD card from my Floppy EMU on my Mac Mini High Sierra.

I them copy my "HD20" file from the Floppy EMU to my Mac Mini desktop, because I have found attempting the next few steps directly to the USB-mounted micro-SD card is unstable when I try to read/write to it directly from SheepShaver.

I then run SheepShaver and attach the HD20 file to it as a mountable drive.

I then use SheepShaver to copy/paste etc. those files I want to access on the HD20 when connected to my SE/30. By default, SheepShaver give you access to a mounted drive named "Unix" which is in actuality the Shared folder inside your Users folder in your Home folder, so you have immediate access to files downloaded from Macintosh Garden that you move to this folder on your Mojave Mac.

When finished I "unmount" the HD20 file from Sheepshaver, and quit Sheepshaver, and then copy the HD20 file back to the USB-mounted micro-SD card and it overwrites the old file.

I then return the micro-SD card to the Floppy EMU and boot up my SE/30 and have access to the newly copied files.

SheepShaver runs Mac OS 9.0.4 for me and may work with System 7.1; but I have never tried it.  In any event, merely coping files will work just as well in OS 9.

You can learn more about Sheepshaver here:

And I found the most complete and ready to run version of SheepShaver available if you google: "COI (Classic on Intel) v4.0.1 'Chubby Bunny'" and follow the link.


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I used to run Sheepshaver on

I used to run Sheepshaver on 10.4 and 10.5, as I had to use a specific programme that was never ported to OSX, via 9.x. I believe that it will run System 7 and above, perhaps System 7,5 and above, but IDK about anything earlier. 


These used to be a lot of early mac emulators though, such as vMac. If need be, you can always run an emulator for earlier MacOS (e.g. System 6) inside Sheepshaver running OS9. I had a fun experiment once running a set of four nested emulators (over the host OS): OSX -> VPC (W98 or XP) -> UAE -> ShapeShifter -> IIe (a M68K //e emulator that I also used to run on my 68030/40 Powerooks); or may have been ][ in a Mac.; or Stop the Madness, as I used to use those, too.. Something like that. Suffice to say, it was rather...unresponsive (iMac G4 'lamp' model running 10.3), but it did work. 


My general reason was to test endian changing emulation performance. The 'because I can' factor also applied. I selected UAE->Shapeshifter to see how compatible that emulator was with legacy Mac hardware, under such extreme conditions, as it added a layer of complexity, and UAE was pretty much the only other 68K emu that had software mac emus. Spectre existed for the ST, and I used it back in the day, but w.o a dongle it would not boot, and ShapeShifter would work as a disk image (may have been a crack?).

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