Mac Color Classic

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gsmcten's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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Mac Color Classic

Here's one for the Color Classic Guru's:

The three things required to start a Color Classic are:
- Good PRAM Battery
- Good Keyboard and Keyboard Cable, and
- Turn on the power switch on the back of the unit first.

Then use the keyboard to start the unit.

Having checked everything and done all that, when does the fan actually come on?

Is it supposed to come on when you turn on the main power switch, or when you start it with the keyboard?

If it does not come on at all; what is that an indication of?

I am in the process of removing the Analog card (actually tomorrow evening if all goes well) and I am planning a good cleanup with connections check.

I have looked at all the caps and there seems to be no leakage.

Am I missing anything else I should be looking at?

Thanks in advance.

Steven Smile

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: Mac Color Classic

The fan comes on only when the machine is actually running, i.e. after you've pushed the power button on the keyboard.

If the fan doesn't spin at all, but the machine works fine otherwise, it's likely just a case of a bad fan. Machines of that vintage didn't have temperature-based fan control like modern ones do, so the fans ran at their fixed speed all the time.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Mac Color Classic

Thanks Doc. Smile

I was not sure and not being a huge Mac guy does not help. lol
It's like I said; the Analog board comes out tomorrow for a good cleaning and a check-up.
I've already cleaned and checked the logic board.
I'll try reseating all the connections.
After that...? Smile

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: Mac Color Classic

It's probably just a dirty contact. If memory serves, when you pull the back cover off the machine, the analog board stays with the front panel/cage assembly while the fan stays with the back. There's some kind of slip-fit contact that connects the two when the back cover is on; yours is probably just oxidized.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Mac Color Classic

I'll check that too.

Well, I took the unit outside and used compressed air to remove all the dust, etc. inside, then proceeded to pull the Analog Board.

All the Caps look good. No leakage anywhere. I am bothered about the (for lack of a better description) globules of plastic that seem to be placed in different spots.

Is this a normal occurence?

I brushed off the board and most of the interior with my wizbang paint brush to remove the rest of the dust balls clinging to things. I am going to reassemble everything tomorrow evening and see if I can bring it back to life. Smile

"Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! No...It's a plane! No..It's Bill and Ted's Phone Booth coming in for a landing!"

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Mac Color Classic

Cleaned and reset the Analog board, placed everything back together sans cover, plugged her in, turned her on, pressed the power button on the keyboard, and got a green light.
The it went away and my CC just sat there.
I'll place the back cover on tomorrow evening and give it another shot.

I do have one question:
How do you disconnect the picture tube from the Analog Board?
My CC Take Apart istructions did not say, so I could not completely remove the boad from the chassis as I had intended.
Back to the drawing board. Smile

Nobody out there has an answer to my last question?
That's wierd. I would have thought I'd have had at least half a dozen by now. lol Smile

eeun's picture
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Re: Mac Color Classic

How do you disconnect the picture tube from the Analog Board?

You'll need to pry the flyback anode off the picture tube, as well as loosen the ring clamps that hold the yoke at the back of the tube. You'd need to make sure the flyback was discharged, and the yoke can be rather fragile. It's also easy to mess up the screen's alignment and convergence in the process, and a long, annoying task to get it right again. Unless you've done a good amount of reading on picture tube repair and safety, I would recommend leaving all that stuff attached.

Nobody out there has an answer to my last question?

Are you maybe referring to thermal silicone blobs on the board? Poke it with a stick, and if it's soft, it's okay and meant to be there. It's a fairly common sight inside power supplies.

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Mac Color Classic

Thanks eeun! Smile

lefevere's picture
Last seen: 11 months 1 week ago
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Re: Mac Color Classic

a good pram battery is not necessary

always try to reset the pram
at start up, holding down the keys Command, Option, P & R, until you hear the startup tune for the secund time

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