Loud whining noise and odd smell, but system operates normally

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Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: May 13 2004 - 03:42
Posts: 13
Loud whining noise and odd smell, but system operates normally

The other day my CC suddenly started making a loud whining noise which sounded like a failing HDD bearing, so I powered it off and replaced the HDD. However, the noise is still there, accompanied by an odd odor. Apart from these two symptoms, the CC appears to be operating normally.

I don't believe the noise is the case fan, which means it's probably coming from some electronic component. As mentioned, everything seems to be operating normally, so I'm baffled - does anyone have any idea what this might be?

Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: May 13 2004 - 03:42
Posts: 13
Re: Loud whining noise and odd smell, but system operates ...

Update: upon closer inspection the noise seemed to emanate from the speaker, and sure enough when I disconnected the speaker wire it stopped. At this point I'm guessing that a capacitor or similar component on the analog board failed, hence the noise and the smell? A glance at the board does not reveal any obviously blown components.

Update II: It appears that this problem is actually a common one:


Guess I'll be doing a recap!

Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: May 13 2004 - 03:42
Posts: 13
Re: Loud whining noise and odd smell, but system operates ...

Update 2: I replaced all the electrolytic caps on the motherboard with Nichikon tantalum caps and all is well. The system works perfectly now - it even solved the problem of the system not powering-up until it was plugged in overnight.

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