Looking for a disk for the apple II , this was called -
GAMEDOS , it was a DOS installation disk , kinda like Beautiful Boot Maker , it's a fast loader DOS , just shows Binary Files . If some one has it can I get a copy of the image file? Or is there a direct download link?
I found this .DSK at Asimov's. Also some Files under ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/games/collections/usotsuki_crunch.
I found a zip file containing several versions of GameDOS with accompanying source code here: http://mirrors.apple2.org.za/ftp.apple.asimov.net/images/programming/assembler/. I think this looks like the kind of trimed-down DOS I have been looking for, but the file buffers seem to be at $6000 and $6100? Does anyone else have a clearer interpenetration?