Hi Guys:
Any body have the keyboard matrix layout for the white Apple A1048 keyboard?
You see, I got 2 of these IBM M bucking spring keyboards that haven't been used for a looong time because of the lack of window/command key. But I really like the feel of these keyboards. And I just happened to spill some water on a A1048. Now I have a A1048 with the keypad 1 to 6 and the right arrow keys not working(I took it apart and cleaned it. Still no go). I have this crazy idea to borrow a few keys from one M to make up the 109 keys on the other. Then cut all the trace and rewire it to the A1048 interface board. All I am missing is the KB matrix of the A1048.
I know, I could trace these printed layers. But I was hoping for a easier way :).
IBM Model M keyboards are quite collectible. If you want an easy solution, sell the IBM keyboards and buy another Apple keyboard and you'll probably make a profit.
I know. I was looking at them in the auctions. But I really like to have a clicky Mac keyboard. I guess the other way to do this is to get an iMate. I still have an ADB Optimac Keyboard that's got the white Alps key switches. But nothing feel like the IBM M.
Yep, getting a USB adapter is a good option, and they are available for ps/2 keyboards for cheap compared to the rather rare iMates for ADB decives.
clicky conversion project.
I got lucky. I managed to get a New in box iMate for $35 shipped. I guess I'll be using that Optimac keyboard again when it arrive. I retired it when I moved from PM8500 to a G4.
I did try the IBM M with AT to PS/2, then PS/2 to USB. It worked ok for 2 days. After that it stopped working. It still works when I hooked it to a PC with PS/2 only. I guess the new PS/2 to USB converter died.
Caveat emptor... The IBM M draw a hell of a lot more power then newer ps/2 keyboards. All the current "cheap" ps/2 to USB converter does not supply enough power. It will work for a little then overload and died. The different is a lot, like 100ma for the IBM M and 1.2ma for newer ps/2. I guess I need to look for an old quality built ps/2 to USB converter.
2011-10-02 Just an update. I managed to get a ps/2 to USB adapter that worked. I also found a program called Controllermate. I mapped Left-Alt as Command key and left the Right-Alt as Option. I also remapped the 3 keys that's useless in Mac, Print Screen, Scroll-Lock and Pause as Mute, Volume down, and Volume up. Now I have an IBM Model M that works perfectly with a Mac. Odd sight, but it will do for now. I may still transfer the key switches to a A1048 one day... when I have more free time :).