I'm looking for old versions of FutureBASIC (I, II, 3, and 4)

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Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: Sep 26 2014 - 01:33
Posts: 3
I'm looking for old versions of FutureBASIC (I, II, 3, and 4)

I'm looking for either disk images or actual physical disk copies of old versions of FutureBASIC (I, II, 3, and 4).

I already know that version 5 is being made available as freeware, so there's no need to post the FBtoC Project information.

Since the Staz Software web site has disappeared, there doesn't seem to be any way to download this old software anymore. I've purchased floppy disk copies of version I and II, but the version II disks were unreadable and I'm expecting the version I disks will be too.

I believe that various releases of FB^3 and FB 4 were distributed on CDs. I would love to acquire one of those disks.