IIgs Unknown error $1E12 every time I quit a program and it returns to the desktop

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IIgs Unknown error $1E12 every time I quit a program and it returns to the desktop

I get an Unknown error $1E12 message every time I quit a program and return to the finder in GSPLUS or on my ROM3 now.

It seems to be a Resource Manager error $1E12: Already started with this ID problem, but I don't know when or why it started.

It's a bit of a pain to start over with a plain old 6.01 - 6.04 .HDV or .2MG image, and check for this error after every CDEV or NDA that gets installed, and very few people want to fool with, or even know about these types of issues, after I find out what's causing it (or several other demons), but I was just hoping I was not the only one with this one, and maybe someone here has seen it B4.