I have two tested Apple Hard Disk 20s! for sale (not scsi!) m0130

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Joined: Apr 6 2009 - 16:46
Posts: 22
I have two tested Apple Hard Disk 20s! for sale (not scsi!) m0130


I'm a young apple II enthusiast making my way in college. My second favorite computer is the Macintosh! Please help support my endeavor for my tuition (since our government doesn't give an iota for education anymore, go USA!) and visit www.retromidwave.com to view our Vintage Macintosh Product. Up for sale are two Hard Disk 20s that still run which is a rare sight! Soon we will have many rare Mac items for sale as well as other computer such as a Apple III. Next week we will be posting the rare Black Macintosh TV! and remember retromidwave.com We have many other vintage items for sale. Our name comes from Retro Mid-century Modern Wave!

Currently we also have a nice IIc Plus setup for sale, IIgs rom 3 in great condition, IIgs WOZ ed. in great condition, IIgs rom 1 in great condition, and much more. Soon we will have a Apple III for sale. Also I will have 4 Macintosh Hard Disk 20 for sale (not sc)!

and remember...

Thank you,
Your starving Computer Science College Student.